新型n-tio2的固相法制备及其光催化性能分析-preparation of new n - tio _ 2 by solid phase method and analysis of its photocatalytic performance.docx

新型n-tio2的固相法制备及其光催化性能分析-preparation of new n - tio _ 2 by solid phase method and analysis of its photocatalytic performance.docx

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新型n-tio2的固相法制备及其光催化性能分析-preparation of new n - tio _ 2 by solid phase method and analysis of its photocatalytic performance

河南大学分析化学二零零八级硕士学位论文: 马鹏举N-doping was but also induce more oxygen vacancies during temperature rise process, As a result, its UV-Vis absorption was considerable, Meanwhile, intermediate (NH4)2Ti2O4(OH)2was be propitious to remain the pretty tubular morphology of sample at 500℃ and yieldedbetter crystal. Whats more, oxygen vacancies concentration was moderate, bringing about its photocatalytic activity 30% higher compared to non-doped sample.By comparing the process and photocatalytic activity of two kind of N precursor, we found that the photocatalytic activity of N-TiO2-A was better than N-TiO2-U. But N-TiO2-U presented a stronger absorption in visible light region, which can be contributed to more oxygen vacancies formed when NTA collapse to TiO2. The N-TiO2-U didn’t show a higher photocatalytic activity, the reason of which should be studied furthermore. In addition, (NH4)2Ti2O4(OH)2 not only slowly release atom N to result in well-dispersed interstitial N-doping but also induce more oxygen vacancies during temperature rise process. Meanwhile, the intermediate is the benefit to preserving well-preserved tubular structure and better crystal of the sample, which caused a higher photocatalytic activity of MO degradation on N-TiO2-A. Keywords: photocatalysis; solid phase method; N-doping; nanotube titanic acid; novel TiO2 IV 第一章 绪论第一章绪论近年来,由于粗放式经济的快速发展导致有机污染物大量排入地表水以及城市化 过程带来的人口迅速集中、生活垃圾大量倾入湖泊河流,致使我国面临着严重的水污染 问题:七大水系平均为中度污染,86%的城市河段污染超标。水是生命之源,是人类赖 以生存的基础物质,可以说没有安全的水环境,就没有人类的明天,世界气象组织 1996 年初就指出:缺水是全世界城市面临的首要问题,在目前中国城市化高速进行的时候, 这个问题尤为重要。因此,开发新方法解决水污染问题已成为我国亟待解决的重大课题。 目前解决水污染的主要方法有:物理法、化学法、生物法,具体手段有投放化学 药剂、膜分离技术、微生物技术、厌氧技术等。这些手段存在投资大、效率低、容易二 次污染等缺点。近些年来,光催化技术由于可以利用蕴藏量极为丰富的太阳能且不产生 二次污染得到了很多专家学者的重视。 光催化反应是光反应和催化反应的结合,是在光照射以及催化剂存在下作用于受 体上的化学反应。1972 年,A. Fujishima 和 K.Honda 在 n 型半导体 Ti02 电极上电解水时 发现了氢气的产生[1],以此为契机,开创了多相光催化研究的新时代。在去除水溶液污 染物方面,半导体光催化表现出了氧化性强、污染物降解完全、可直接利用太阳光、无 二次污染等优点,近年来取得了较大进展[2,3]。此外,多相光催化在氢能源开发、卫生 保健、回收贵金属等方面的应用也展现了广阔的应用前景[4 -8]。§1.1 光催化技术的历史光催化反应是发生在固体表面



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