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名师一线讲坛 中国在自然科技方面进步很大。 ②His ideas were in advance of his times. 他的思想走在时代的前列。 ③Scientific knowledge has greatly advanced since the 16th century.科学知识自16世纪以来已有显著的进步。 ④He worked so well that his boss advanced him to a higher position.他工作表现非常好,所以上司将他提升。 ⑤Some of our products have reached advanced world level. 我们有些产品达到了世界先进水平。 名师一线讲坛 4.________is known to all,China will be an ________ and powerful country in 20 or 30 years’ time. A.That;advancing       B.This;advanced C.As;advanced D.It;advancing 解析:选C。as引导非限制性定语从句,指代后面全句内容,本身充当主语;“先进的”国家,用形容词“advanced”修饰。 名师一线讲坛 5.I’ve been told that our teacher has________the deadline for the composition by two days and we have to hand it in tomorrow morning. A.made B.cut C.advanced D.suggested 解析:选C。be advanced by two days表示“提前了两天”。 名师一线讲坛 5. more than 不仅仅,不只是 more...than与其说……倒不如说 no more than仅仅,只不过 not more than不超过 ①Peace is much more than the absence of war. 和平不仅仅是没有战争。 名师一线讲坛 ②He is more than our teacher,he is also our good friend. 他不仅仅是我们的老师,也是我们的好朋友。 ③She was more sad than angry when her son lied again. 当她的儿子再次说谎时,与其说她生气倒不如说她伤心。 ④There were not more than seven men in the hall. 大厅里不超过七个人。 名师一线讲坛 6.(2009年高考浙江卷)It took________building supplies to construct these energysaving houses.It took brains,too. A.other than B.more than C.rather than D.less than 解析:选B。句意:建造这些节能住宅不仅仅需要建筑用品,还需要用脑。more than意为“不仅仅”。 名师一线讲坛 7.China Daily is ________ a newspaper.It helps greatly to improve our English levels. A.no more than B.not more than C.more than D.not less than 解析:选C。句意:《中国日报》不仅仅是一份报纸,它还能大幅度地提高我们的英语水平。no more than仅仅;not more than不超过;more than不仅仅;not less than不少于。 名师一线讲坛 6. come to life 活跃起来,苏醒过来 bring...to life使……恢复生机 come back to life苏醒过来 when it comes to当谈到;说到 come about发生;产生 come across偶遇;偶然发现 come to共计;达到;苏醒;(突然)想到;意识到 名师一线讲坛 come up with提出;想到(主意等) ①Only with his friends can he come to life. 只有和朋友在一起,他才很活跃。 ②When the man came to life again,he found himself in bed. 当



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