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4. 译成各种状语从句 3. The disease, which may occur at any age, is most frequent in early adult life.(表示让步) 此病虽可发生于任何年龄,但以年轻人最为常见。 4. The blood flow may be increased by more rapid and vigorous heart action, which accelerates the movement of heat to the skin. 血流可因更快和更有力的心脏活动而增加,结果使热量加速转移至皮肤。(表示结果) 5. The sick child who had been given the medicine soon fell asleep.(表示时间) 病孩服药后很快就入睡了。 4. 译成各种状语从句 6. Every patient with valvular or congenital heart disease who develops an obscure fever which persists for more than a few days should be suspected.(表示条件) 任何辫膜性或先天性心脏病患者,如出现原因不明的发热,并持续多天,即应加以怀疑。 7. Much the most important early symptom of tetanus is trismus, a painless spasm of the masseter muscles which causes difficulty in opening the mouth and in masticating.(表示伴随的情况) 破伤风最重要的早期症状为牙关紧闭,即咀嚼肌无痛性痉挛,引起张口和咀嚼困难。 5. 其他译法 虽然以上几种译法如能在翻译实践中正确和灵活运用,一般能解决定语从句的翻译问题,但有时仍需要根据具体情况采取一些特殊的译法才能妥帖地表达好原句的意思。 5. 其他译法 1. The dosage should be decreased gradually to the minimal effective level which may be a as low as 100 mg daily. 剂量应逐渐递减为最低有效水平,即日剂量低至 100毫克。(译为同位语) 2. When in doubt, which is not infrequent, one will establish the diagnosis by laparotomy. 如有怀疑(这种情况也是常见的),可通过剖腹术诊断。(译成括号形式) 5. 其他译法 A microscopic examination of the urine determines the presence of nephritis, which is the most common kidney disease. 尿的显微镜检查可确定是否患肾炎——一种最常见的肾病。(译成破折号号形式) 5. 其他译法 4.These are the only doctors there are in the ward on duty. 病房里值班的就只有这些医生了。 说明:当定语从句为there is (are)句型时,从句中作主语的关系代词(which, that, who等)常常省略不用。翻译时可不译there is (are),而将从句译成先行词的定语。 5. 其他译法 5. The thermometers do not tell us about the amount of heat there is in them. (从句中省略了作主语的关系代词which或that) 温度计并不表示它本身的热量。 Copyright ? 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Copyright ? 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Medical English Presented by Yang Shanshan Bengbu Medical College Copyright ? 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings Copyright ? 2004 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing


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