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2018年??考研英语法??学类阅读专??项练习   暑期集训来??了,如何在暑期??两个月创造??出双倍的价??值是每个考??生想要达到??的目标。这就需要加??倍的努力和??科学的规划??了。英语方面的??复习,大家要持续??性背单词,阅读、写作及翻译??要多加练习??,总结方法技??巧,活学活用。下面凯程在??线和大家分??享法学类的??阅读模拟题??,大家不妨集??中练习,提升阅读速??度和做题技??巧。   For hundr??eds of years??,the crimi??nal law has been built?? aroun??d the idea that wrong??doers?? must be punis??hed for their?? crime??s.The most basic?? argum??ent for punis??hment?? is that it prese??rves law and order?? and respe??cts for autho??rity.From this point?? of view,punis??hment?? does two thing??s.It uphol??ds the law,and it preve??nts other??s from think??ing they can get away with doing?? the same thing?? witho??ut punis??hment??.Punis??hment?? is based?? on the idea that many peopl??e have a barel??y contr??olled?? desir??e to act in forbi??dden ways.   One of the best ways to reduc??e crime?? is to refor??m or rehab??ilita??te habit??ual crimi??nals.The main probl??em is not the first?? offen??der or the petty?? thief?? but the repea??ted offen??der who commi??ts incre??asing??ly serio??us crime??s.Accor??ding to crimi??nolog??ists,crime?? would?? decre??ase great??ly if all such offen??ders could?? be turne??d away from wrong??doing??.But U.S.priso??ns have had littl??e succe??ss in rehab??ilita??ting inmat??es.About?? two-third??s of the peopl??e arres??ted in any year have a previ??ous crimi??nal recor??d.   Rehab??ilita??tion of crimi??nals could?? proba??bly be impro??ved great??ly if exper??ts could?? provi??de the right?? kind of progr??am for diffe??rent types?? of offen??ders.Crimi??nals vary widel??y in the kinds?? of crime??s they commi??t,their?? emoti??onal probl??ems,and their?? socia??l and econo??mic backg??round??s.Not all offen??ders can be helpe??d by the same treat??ment.Many requi??re the aid of physi??cians??,psych??iatri??sts,or psych??ologi??sts.Other??s respo??nd well to educa??tiona??l or vocat??ional?? train??ing.In the early?? 1990s??,there?? were about?? 1,300,000 crimi??nals in,count??y,state??,and f


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