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Analysis of single-phase voltage source PWM rectifier circuit (power factor correction circuit) and working principle of work mode, power factor correction (PFC) technology was born in the 1980s, it adopts the high frequency switching is, has the advantages of small size, light weight, high efficiency, the input power factor (PF) close to 1, control, using PWM control method is comparative, hysteresis current hardware circuit is simple, belongs to the real-time control, fast response to load current, the adaptability, because do not need carrier, so the output voltage excluding specific frequency harmonics, in addition, the control mode, and is helpful to improve the efficiency of selecting the appropriate working mode and work timing, can make the PWM rectifier circuit output dc voltage stability of effectively. Also adjust the ac current of the amplitude and phase, realize the ac and dc power in the bidirectional lateral flow, and make good converter device of power factor. Finally the simulation model is established, and its Matlab verifies the correctness of design.
Keywords: single-phase voltage type, PWM, Rectifier, Power factor correction,
目 录
摘 要 I
第1章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的背景和意义 1
1.2 PWM整流技术与发展现状 2
1.3论文主要研究内容 4
第2章PWM整流器总体设计 5
2.1设计功能要求分析 5
2.2系统方案设计 5
2.2.2升压式(Boost)APFC整流电路 7
2.2.3方案的比较与选择 8
2.3本章小结 9
第3章 硬件电路的设计 10
3.1有源功率因素校正电路设计 10
3.1.1几种控制策略的比较 10
3.1.2有源功率因素校正电路模块 10
3.1.3 UC3854芯片的选择及简介 11
3.2电路主要参数的设计 12
3.3双闭环结构的设计 13
3.3.1电流环路的设计 13
3.3.2电压环路的设计 14
3.4本章小结 14
第4章 MATLAB仿真实验 15
4.1Matlab仿真步骤和波形 15
4.1.1选取器件 15
4.1.2设置各器件的仿真参数 16
4.1.3运行和调试 19
4.2主封装图以及各子系统 22