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 Part Ⅰ Writi?ng (30 minut?es)   Direc?tions?: For this part, you are allow?ed 30 minut?es to write? a short? essay? entit?led On Payin?g back Stude?nt Loans?. You shoul?d write? at least? 150 words? follo?wing the outli?ne given? below?.   1. 现今,在高校有许?多大学生通?过助学贷款?完成自己的?学业   2. 但是有些学?生毕业后没?有能力或拒?绝按时还贷?   3. 我认为贷款?的学生应如?何对待还贷?问题   On Payin?g back Stude?nt Loans?   Part Ⅱ Readi?ng Compr?ehens?ion (Skimm?ing and Scann?ing) (15 minut?es)   Direc?tions?:In this part you will have 15 minut?es to go over the passa?ge quick?ly and answe?r the quest?ions on Answe?r sheet? 1.   For quest?ions 1-4, mark   Y (for YES) if the state?ment agree?s with the infor?matio?n given? in the passa?ge;   N (for NO) if the state?ment contr?adict?s the infor?matio?n given? in the passa?ge;   NG (for NOT GIVEN?) if the infor?matio?n is not given? in the passa?ge.   For quest?ions 5-10, compl?ete the sente?nces with the infor?matio?n given? in the passa?ge.   Readi?ng Babys Mind   The helpl?ess, seemi?ngly awkwa?rd infan?t stari?ng up at you from his littl?e bed, has a lot more going? on insid?e his head than you ever imagi?ned. A wealt?h of new resea?rch is leadi?ng child? psych?ologi?sts to rethi?nk their? long-held belie?fs about? the emoti?onal and intel?lectu?al abili?ties of even very young? babie?s. Scien?ce is now givin?g us a much diffe?rent pictu?re of what goes on insid?e their? heart?s and heads?. Long befor?e they form their? first? words? or attem?pt the feat of sitti?ng up, they are alrea?dy maste?ring compl?ex emoti?ons-jealo?usy, empat?hy (移情), frust?ratio?n-that were once thoug?ht to be learn?ed much later?.   A New Baby Resea?rch   Littl?e Victo?ria Batem?an is blue-eyed and as cute a baby as there? ever was. At 6 month?s, she is also trust?ing and unsus?pecti?ng, which? is a good thing?, becau?se other?wise shed never? go along? with whats about? to happe?n. Its a sunny? June after?noon in Lubbo?ck, Texas?, and insid?e the Human? Scien?ces lab at Texas? Tech Unive?rsity?, Vi


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