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美丽中国,我的中国梦 新疆霍城县芦草沟中心小学四(3)班 郭永哲 21世纪的今天,中国科技、工业都有飞速惊人的发展.然而,我们的环境污染却越来越严重.地球是我们共同生存的家园,人类要在地球上安居乐业,就要爱护地球,保护环境刻不容缓,建设美丽中国势在必行。现代中国,有许多为了保护环境而作出贡献的人,如:杰桑?索南达杰为保护藏羚羊,在无人区与18名持枪偷猎者对峙,流尽最后一滴血,被可可西里零下40℃的风雪塑成一尊冰雕,成为包括了藏族群众的所有热爱生命的人们心中的英雄。 现在的我现在的我,正怀揣梦想,向着梦想启航。 但是我只有努力才能实现自己的梦想,只有当我们的梦 想都实现时,中国的梦才能实现。我的梦,便是中国的梦, 中国的梦,便是我的梦!我要努力努力再努力,为中国而一 步步实现自己的梦想,那样,中国的梦才能实现。 美丽中国,我的梦,我的中国梦。 ,正怀揣梦想,向着梦想启航。 但是我只有努力才能实现自己的梦想,只有当我们的梦 想都实现时,中国的梦才能实现。我的梦,便是中国的梦, 中国的梦,便是我的梦!我要努力努力再努力,为中国而一 步步实现自己的梦想,那样,中国的梦现在的我,正怀揣梦想,向着梦想启航。 但是我只有努力才能实现自己的梦想,只有当我们的梦 想都实现时,中国的梦才能实现。我的梦,便是中国的梦, 中国的梦,便是我的梦!我要努力努力再努力,为中国而一 步步实现自己的梦想,那样,中国的梦才能实现。 美丽中国,我的梦,我的中国梦。 才能实现。 美丽中国,我的梦,我的中国梦。 fast boat. Moon Pro Power pole and offshore to quickly open bow. See trailing people around the Lake called shake up, us a lift boat!...... Shen Yuezhen stood in the bow, holding a small pistol, briskly humming Bella Ciao. Person she wanted to send guns to the Jiangsu Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer station, look for a long time never met comrade ... ... (13) Qian Guibao intensive care wounded soldiers during the war, Zhu Xi Yao bang Tao Yuan San Min, based in this village, where good mass base. In May 1939, Zhu Xi transfer 9 wounded guerrilla, Yao bang due to injury. Qian Guibao, consciously take on the task of caring for the wounded villagers, they are wounded daily diet, taken care of. A few days later, 3 injured from wounds, medical treatment failed, died. Qian Guibao, arranged to buy the coffin, washing the bodies, buried on the spot. After 10 days, the remaining number of wounded was ordered to transfer to other places. Qian Guibao, villagers enthusiasm to take care of the wounded, reflect the peoples support of anti-Japanese patriotism. (14) mountain Bao Dai Xiuchang, eager to help the underground resistance movement in May 1939, the party member Zhuang Shaozhen according to instructions, came to the Tomb area car dam the resistance movement. He organized the Wujiang administrative team, run even


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