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2000年?英语专业八?级考试试卷? 听力 Part Ⅰ Liste?ning Compr?ehens?ion (40 min) In Secti?ons A, B and C you will hear every?thing? ONCE ONLY. Liste?n caref?ully and then answe?r the quest?ions that follo?w. Mark the corre?ct answe?r to each ques tion on your Colou?red Answe?r Sheet?. SECTI?ON A TALK Quest?ions 1 to 5 refer? to the talk in this secti?on .At the end of the talk you w ill be given? 15 secon?ds to answe?r each of the follo?wing five quest?ions. Now list en to the talk.  1. The rules? for the first? priva?te libra?ry in the US were drawn? up by ___. A. the legis?latur?e B. the libra?rian C. John Harva?rd D. the facul?ty membe?rs 2. The earli?est publi?c libra?ry was also calle?d a subsc?ripti?on libra?ry bec ause books? ___. A. could? be lent to every?one B. could? be lent by book store?s C. were lent to stude?nts and the facul?ty D. were lent on a membe?rship? basis? 3. Which? of the follo?wing is NOT state?d as one of the purpo?ses of free pu blic libra?ries? A. To provi?de reade?rs with comfo?rtabl?e readi?ng rooms?. B. To provi?de adult?s with oppor?tunit?ies of furth?er educa?tion. C. To serve? the commu?nity’s cultu?ral and recre?ation?al needs?. D. To suppl?y techn?ical liter?ature? on speci?alize?d subje?cts. 4. The major? diffe?rence? betwe?en modem? priva?te and publi?c libra?ries lies i n ___. A. reade?rship? B. conte?nt C. servi?ce D.funct?ion 5. The main purpo?se of the talk is ___. A. to intro?duce categ?ories? of books? in US libra?ries B. to demon?strat?e the impor?tance? of US libra?ries C. to expla?in the roles? of diffe?rent US libra?ries D. to defin?e the circu?latio?n syste?m of US libra?ries SECTI?ON B INTER?VIEW Quest?ions 6 to 10 are based? on an inter?view. At the end of the inter?view you wil l be given? 15 secon?ds to answe?r each of the follo?wing five quest?ions. Now liste?n to the inter?view. 6. Nancy? becam?e a taxi drive?r becau?se ___. A. she owned? a car B. she drove? well C. she lik


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