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《大学英语(高起本)3》练习题 第一部分 Part I. Readin?g Compre?hensio?n Direct?ions: There are some passag?es in this part. Each passag?e is follow?ed by severa?l questi?ons. For each questi?on there are four choice?s marked? A, B, C and D, You should? decide? on the best choice? and mark the corres?pondin?g letter? on the Answer? Sheet with a single? line throug?h the center?. PART ONE Passag?e 1 Most of the big towns in Easter?n Europe? have seen a large increa?se in popula?tion over the last 30 years. This has caused? extrem?e housin?g shorta?ges, and the vast majori?ty of people? living? in towns rent flats. By wester?n standa?rds, the flats are rather? small, with a family? of four living? in two-or three-room flat with kitche?n or bathro?om. But compar?ed with Wester?n Europe?, the rents are extrem?ely low. An Easter?n Europe?an spends? on averag?e about 5 percen?t of his income? on rent and about 15 percen?t on total housin?g costs, includ?ing fuel and furnit?ure. In Wester?n Europe?, the averag?e worker? spends? at least 20 percen?t of his income? on rent and heatin?g cost. On the other hand, the Easter?n Europe?an spends? a higher? percen?tage of his income? on food. Wherea?s basic items such as bread are very cheap, other things? like meat and coffee? are extrem?ely expens?ive. Caring? for people? is one area where the states? of Easter?n Europe? are far in advanc?e of other parts of the world. Most medica?l and social? servic?es are provid?ed free, and in some countr?ies worker?s do not even have to make contri?bution?s to the health? and insura?nce funds, since these contri?bution?s are made by the employ?er. The factor?y in Easter?n Europe? provid?es many facili?ties and servic?es which are not suppli?ed in Wester?n Europe?. Moreov?er, Easter?n Europe? does not suffer? from one of the major proble?ms of Wester?n Europe?’s econom?y—unempl?oyment?. All the consti?tution?s of the indivi?dual countr?ies state that every citize?n has a right and duty to work. 1. The seriou


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