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《汉英翻译指要—核心概念与技巧》练习题Part OneChapter 1Translate the following sentences, paying attention to whether you are doing a literal or free translation. Compare yours with the sample translations presented at the end of this book, and see if you were literal or free in your approach.1. 人生是一个一个阶段积累而成的。我们常常没有意识到,原来上一个阶段是为下一阶段做准备。2. 现在他已届退休年龄,正面临后继无人的困境。3. 年轻有梦,就要让他们闯一闯,否則老了有失落感。4. 走过街头巷尾,赫然发现原来的店面又换了新名字。5. 夏先生手头紧,一个小钱也不肯轻易撤手。6. 他只把她当作个会给点零钱的女人,并不十分喜欢她。7. 姐姐的身子已不大方便,连上街买趟东西都怕有些闪失。8. 事实上,中国不是没有好作品,只是缺乏译介。9. 网络世界,通常让人联想到青少年或白领阶层。10. “宁为鸡首,不为牛后”的中国诗语的确是中国人偏爱自己创业的最佳注解。Translate the following. There is no need to pay too much attention to how you translate, but when you have finished, examine your version from the perspective of literal and free translation, and then compare yours with the sample translations in the answer key and decide which technique is more appropriate.1. 他们的想法各有千秋,读者可以自己判断孰是孰非。2. 虽然这些是少数人的行为,却影响多数人的观念。3. 你出身在一个华人家庭,接受的却是西方教育。4. 邓先生原本立志在去年底出满十本书。5. 许多人会对我外貌的急遽变化不能适应。6. 我想少不了要挨顿打骂,然后卷铺盖走路,但经理却十分平静。7. 旅澳的日子,她醉心于画画,创作的主题依然是她一生的最爱:舞蹈。8. 他与夫人种菜钓鱼,回归家庭生活。9. 单身者不能免除其社会责任,但是某些社会对单身女性却相当不友善。10. 这本书提供给你一个基础。它不能引导你走向未来,但却会提醒你一些潜在的危险及可能出现的问题。Chapter 2Translate the following sentences, paying attention to how Chinese and English express the same idea.Chinese-English Exercises1. 除了用镜头说话,林先生也努力笔耕。2. 一路走来,总是到了山穷水尽他才发现新的可能性。3. 李先生的努力有了成果。4. 很多电影导演的作品都是反映他们的生活背景。5. 电影让林先生找到了自己,让一位父亲找到了儿子。English-Chinese Exercises1. With so large a population on so small an island, the best parts of the coast are inevitably rather crowded during the summer.2. Most big companies have been built up by a process of mergers and takeovers.3. In Britain, rainfall is not that heavy, winters not that cold nor the summers that hot, and there are seldom violent storms or winds.4. Potatoes are an important source of starchy food in temperate countries, as are bananas in the tropics.5. In spite of many stories of prosperity in the United States, not only does poverty exist, but crimes of various types have be


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