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第七集 Dialogue: ? 世上没人比我强壮 ?? Nobody else is stronger than I am ? Dialogue: ? 昨天我移了一座山 ?? Yesterday I moved a mountain ? Dialogue: ? 我相信我能当你的英雄 ?? I bet I could be your hero ? Dialogue: ? 我是个了不起的小家伙 ?? I am a mighty little man ? Dialogue: ? 我是个了不起的小家伙 ?? I am a mighty little man ? Dialogue: 普通美国人平均一年The average American consumes Dialogue: 会吃掉公斤的牛肉 pounds of beef per year. Dialogue: 但美国有个地方叫德克萨斯And then theres Texas, Dialogue: 在这里 我们只要几个月就能吃掉那个量where we can knock that off in a couple of months. Dialogue: 甚至还能更快 如果有德州烟熏牛胸肉的话Maybe faster, if were talking about smoked brisket... Dialogue: 很奇妙的是 牛的这块牛胸肉...curiously, the one cut of beef Dialogue: 是唯一让德州人与犹太人都爱不释手的部位that Texans and Jews agree upon. Dialogue: 这真是太好吃啦 姥姥This is really good, Meemaw. Dialogue: 还太好吃呢Really good? Dialogue: 你把全德州最好吃的牛胸肉Youre spitting the best brisket in Texas Dialogue: 喷得整餐桌都是all over the damn table. Dialogue: 嘴巴有东西不要说话Close your mouth when you eat. Dialogue: 或者把你的脸朝向别的方向Or aim your face the other way. Dialogue: 康妮 总有一天你得给我这食谱Connie, one of these days, you got to give me the recipe. Dialogue: 你说会就会啦You bet. For sure. Dialogue: -总有一天 -别这样- One of these days. - Oh, come on. Dialogue: 你总不能瞒一辈子You cant hold on to it forever. Dialogue: 你这么想要吗Mean that much to you? Dialogue: 当年我跟玛丽交往一个月左右时Mary and I were dating about a month Dialogue: 她带我回家吃晚饭when she brought me home for dinner. Dialogue: 我吃了一口这牛胸肉I took one bite of this brisket, Dialogue: 我就知道我爱你的女儿and I knew I loved your daughter. Dialogue: 我真是谢谢你啊Gee, thanks. Dialogue: 有点像睡美人 不过爸吻的是牛肉Kind of like Sleeping Beauty, except Dad kissed meat. Dialogue: 这样吧I tell you what. Dialogue: 你去拿...You go get a... Dialogue: 纸笔来piece of paper and a pencil, Dialogue: 我给你写下来Ill write it down for you. Dialogue: 好 终于到了这一刻Okay. Its happening... Dialogue: 这是我见他跑得最快的一次Thats the fastest Ive seen him run. Dialogue: 这是我第一次见他跑Its the only time Ive seen him run. Dialogue: 给There you go. Dialogue: 好Okay. Dialogue: 我可能这周末就做来吃I might make it this weekend. Dialogue: 你也可以试试吃点蔬菜


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