c语言例及教程c语言案例 ( cases of C language and tutorial c language case ).doc

c语言例及教程c语言案例 ( cases of C language and tutorial c language case ).doc

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c语言例及教程c语言案例 ( cases of C language and tutorial c language case ).doc

c语言100例及教程c语言案例 10(100 cases of C language and tutorial c language case 10) ==91--100:.: classic C program 100 cases: Classic C program: 100 cases of ==91--100 [program 91] Title: time function example 1 1. program analysis: 2. program source code: #include stdio.h #include time.h Void main () {time_t lt; /*define a Longint time varible*/ Lt=time (NULL); /*system time and date*/ Printf (CTime ()); /*english format output*/ Printf (asctime (Localtime ())); /*tranfer to tm*/ Printf (asctime (gmtime ())); /*tranfer to Greenwich time*/ } ============================================================== [program 92] Title: time function example 2 1. program analysis: 2. program source code: /*calculate time*/ #include time.h #include stdio.h (main) {time_t start, end; Int i; Start=time (NULL); For (i=0; i3000; i++) {printf (\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\n);} End=time (NULL); Printf (\1: The different is%6.3f\n, difftime (end, start)); } ============================================================== [program 93] Title: time function example 3 1. program analysis: 2. program source code: /*calculate time*/ #include time.h #include stdio.h (main) {clock_t start, end; Int i; Double var; Start=clock (); For (i=0; i10000; i++) {printf (\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\1\n);} End=clock (); Printf (\1: The different is%6.3f\n, (double) (end-start); } ============================================================== [program 94] Title: time function example 4, a guessing game, judge a persons reaction speed. (moderators are beginners.) 1. program analysis: 2. program source code: #include time.h #include stdlib.h #include stdio.h (main) {char c; Clock_t start, end; Time_t a, b; Double var; Int i, guess; Srand (time (NULL)); Printf (do you want to play it. (yorn) \n); Loop: While ((c=getchar ()) ==y) { I=rand ()%100; Printf (\nplease input number you guess:\n); Start=clock (); A=time (NULL); Scanf (%d, guess); While (guess! =i) {if (guessi) {printf (please input a little smaller.\n); Scanf (%d, guess);} Else


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