基于ARM DSP多功能车内语音终端的设计与实现(可编辑).doc

基于ARM DSP多功能车内语音终端的设计与实现(可编辑).doc

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基于ARM DSP多功能车内语音终端的设计与实现(可编辑)

基于ARM+DSP多功能车内语音终端的设计与实现 THE DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MULTI-FUNCTIONAL VOICE TERMINAL INSIDE THE VEHICLE, BASED ON ARM+DSP ABSTRACT With the constant development of communications technology and network technology, the telephone system inside the vehicle has been put forward higher requirements. This paper takes the military vehicle system as the main background, and points out the realization of upgrade and transformation to this system, which is mainly related to system architecture, software process, the relevant interface and communication protocol and so onThe origin analog telephone system inside the vehicle has no longer met the needs of digital construction, for which is generally only has a single function instead of the data transfer function. Also there are many types of the monomer equipments, non-unified interfaces and poor compatibility, which is rather difficult to achieve universal design This paper presents the multi-functional voice system inside the vehicle based on ARM+DSP. The system consists of multiple voice terminals; one main control box and wearing communication caps and it can strongly support the multi-communication between 16 crews with Relation Call, Group Call, Selective Call, Force Call, Data Transmission and other functionsAt one time, the crew can also speak with network users outside the vehicle via the main control boxThis paper composes of seven chapters and the main contents are as followings:(1)The current status and trend at home and abroad (2)The terminal design including software and hardware project, also the communication protocol ( 3)The analysis and research to some key technologies used in the designThe design mentioned in this paper will enjoy one bright future due to it 第 II 页基于 ARM+DSP多功能车内语音终端的设计与实现[0]ABSTRACT applies not only to the area of military communication but also to the business with it’s high-quality voice, the powerful expansion and the lower cost Keywords:Communication Sy


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