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With the rapid development of the plastics industry, plastic products in daily life occupy a very important position. The plastic mold has become an important indicator of the level of the countrys manufacturing industry and largely determines the quality of the product, the companys benefit. Therefore, the traditional injection mold design mainly rely on the experience does not meet the market demands. Die CAD/CAM/CAE technology has become a solution to various problems in the means of design and manufacture, will replace the traditional mold design.
The design process, in reference to the extensive literature at home and abroad based on three-dimensional engineering software Pro/E and mold flow analysis software MoldFlow reconstruct and design the model of the liquid crystal display base and carry out the related mold flow analysis. This article in the following aspects of a more detailed study:
1 Using Pro/E modeling to design the liquid crystal display base;
2 Using Pro/E to sub-surface to design and produce molded parts;
3 Using Pro/E plug-in tool for standard EMX mold design includes gating system, cooling system and a series of design;
4 Using MoldFlow obtain the cooling analysis, flow analysis and warping analysis. Based on the results of the analysis to optimize the design obtain a more reasonable design results;
5 Based on the relevant calculations and analysis, LCD base mold design is completed.
Keywords Pro/E mold design LCD base mold flow analysis
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 模具工业的地位 1
1.2 国外塑料模具发展概况 1
1.3 我国塑料模具发展概况 1
1.4 本文研究内容 2
2 塑件结构及成型工艺分析 3
2.1 塑件结构分析 3
2.2 产品成型工艺性分析 3
2.2.1 塑件的分析 3
2.2.2 材料性能分析 3
2.2.3 ABS的注射成型过程 4
3 分型面选择及型腔数目确定 5
3.1 型腔数目的确定 5
3.2 分型面位置的确定 5
4 注射机的选择和校核 7
4.1 注射机的主要参数 7
4.2 塑件体积和浇注系统凝料体积的初步估算 7
4.3 选择注塑机 7
4.4 注塑机的相关参数的校核 8
4.4.1 注射压力校核 8
4.4.2 锁模力校核 8
5 成型零件设计及模架选取 9
5.1 成型零件钢材的选用 9
5.2 成型零件的结构设计 9
5.3 成型零件工作尺寸的计算 9
5.3.1 凹模径向尺寸的计算 10
5.3.2 凹模深度尺寸的计算 10
5.3.3 凹模上芯子径向尺寸的计算 10
5.3.4 凹模
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