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The main reason that adequate doses are withheld by doctors or nurses is the fear of respiratory depression. Opioids used for people who are not in pain, or in doses larger than necessary to control the pain, can slow and indeed stop breathing. The principle is that the dose has to be titrated to the effect (Figure 4). The effect is pain relief. If the dose given has not produced pain relief (the patient is still complaining of pain), and it has all been delivered and absorbed, then it is safe to give another dose. This subsequent dose may be smaller than the first. If it too doesnt succeed then the process can be repeated.The principle is that the dose has to be titrated to the effect. The effect is pain relief. Doses larger than necessary to control the pain can cause serious adverse effects. If the dose given has not produced pain relief because the patient is still complaining of pain, and it has all been delivered and absorbed, then it is safe to give another dose, which may be smaller than the first. www.medicine.ox.ac.uk/bandolier * * * * * 奥斯康定的滴定与速效吗啡相同 奥施康定滴定效果国内研究表明:90%的患者仅需1-2轮滴定至完全无痛,没有患者滴定超过4轮(4小时) 阿片类药物的滴定策略 时间 阿片 剂量 疼痛完全缓解所需剂量 疼痛 程度 副作用 Modified from www.medicine.ox.ac.uk/bandolier 滴定过程就是发现有效镇痛剂量的过程! 滴定的概念 药物剂量滴定的目的 迅速进行疼痛控制 确定药物的治疗窗 避免高药物浓度的副作用 确保不同药物及剂型转换的平稳过渡 全程掌握疼痛的解救量 符合GPM-WARD诊疗规范要求 准确滴定的前提:科学全面的评估 疼痛的评估(强度) June 2011 1 根据主诉疼痛程度分级法(VRS) 2 数字分级法(NRS) 3 视觉模拟法(VAS) 4 疼痛强度评分Wong-Baker 脸评分法 * 1 患者主诉简易分级法(VRS法) 0 级:无痛; Ⅰ级(轻度):有疼痛但可忍受,能正常生活,睡眠不受干扰 Ⅱ级(中度): 疼痛明显,不能忍受,要求用止痛剂,睡眠受干扰 Ⅲ级(重度): 疼痛剧烈,不能忍受,睡眠受严重干扰,可伴有自主神经紊乱或被动体位 * 2 数字分级法(NRS) * 0 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 无痛 剧痛 程度分级标准: 0:无痛 1-3:轻度疼痛 4-6:中度疼痛 7-10:重度疼痛 用0~10代表不同程度的疼痛,0为无痛,10为剧痛 应询问患者:你的疼痛有多严重?或让患者自己圈出一个最能代表自身疼痛的数字 3 视觉模拟评分法 (VAS) 划一长线(一般长为10cm),一段代表无痛,另一段代表剧痛,让患者在线上的最能反应自己疼痛程度之处划一交叉线 无痛 剧痛 由评估者根据患者划×的位置测算其疼痛程度 * 4 Wong-Baker面部表情疼痛分级量表 无痛 稍痛 有点痛 痛得较重 非常痛 最痛 该评分量表建议用于儿童、老年人以及存在语言或文化差异或其他交流障碍的患者 * 剂量滴定需熟练掌握的数据(一) 吗啡的半衰期是