昆虫趋光性及其机理的研究进展 advances in research on phototaxis of insects and the mechanism.pdf

昆虫趋光性及其机理的研究进展 advances in research on phototaxis of insects and the mechanism.pdf

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昆虫趋光性及其机理的研究进展 advances in research on phototaxis of insects and the mechanism

· · 昆虫知识 () 198 ENTOMOLOGICAL KNOWLEDGE 2004 41 3 昆虫趋光性及其机理的研究进展! 靖湘峰 雷朝亮!! (华中农业大学 昆虫资源研究所 武汉 430070 ) , ( Advances in research on phototaxis of insects and the mechanism . JING Xiang-feng LEI Chao-Liang Institute of , , , ) Insect Resources Huazhong Agriculture Uniuersity Wuhan 430070 China Abstract Phototaxis is an interesting phenomenon but it is thought that the phototactic mechanism of insects is different from the one of other phototactic animais . In this articie, the research advance on phototaxis was reviewed , , mainiy in ethooiogy and physioiogy . Many hypotheses on phototaxis were proposed but two of them iight interference and iight orientation, were more acceptabie . The iight interference hypothesis supporters beiieved the phototaxis was the , resuit of eye-shining whiie the iight orientation hypothesis supporters thought the true reason was that the artificiai iight deiuded the insects which used star-iight for orientation . , , , , Key words insect phototaxis behavior physioiogy advance 摘 要 依据目前已有资料,从行为学、生理学及田间应用调查等方面概述了近几十年昆虫趋光性的国 内外研究进展。其中,行为学与生理学研究较多,且两者结果基本一致,相互补充,为趋光性机制的假说 提供了可靠的依据。关于昆虫趋光性机制的假说较多,其中报道较多的是光干扰假说、光定向行为假说 和生物天线假说3 种,现在较为普遍接受的是前两者。光干扰假说是指刺眼作用干扰昆虫的正常活动 导致趋光,而光定向行为假说则指昆虫趋光是由于光定向行为所致。 关键词 昆虫,趋光性,生理,进展 昆虫趋光行为古代已有记载,“飞蛾扑火” 优点。 正是人类由这种行为而总结出来的成语。法国 诱虫灯的种类非常多,一般只要可以用于 著名昆虫学家法布尔详细记录了大孔雀蛾的扑


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