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Pride and Prejudice女性意识探究
奥斯丁在这部小说中通过班纳特五个女儿对待终身大事的不同处理,表现出乡镇中产阶级家庭出身的少女对婚姻爱情问题的不同态度,从而反映了作者本人的婚姻观:为了财产、金钱和地位而结婚是错误的;而结婚不考虑上述因素也是愚蠢的。因此,她既反对为金钱而结婚,也反对把婚姻当儿戏。她强调理想婚姻的重要性,并把男女双方感情作为缔结理想婚姻的基石。Elizabeth (Lizzy)
在18世纪末到19世纪初处于保守和闭塞状态下的英国But really, I think it would be very hard upon younger sisters, that they should not have their share of society and amusement because the elder may not have the means or inclination to marry early. The last born has as good a right to the pleasures of youth, as the first. And to be kept back on such a motive! I think it would not be very likely to promote sisterly affection or delicacy of mind.要是因为姐姐们无法早嫁,或是不想早嫁,做妹妹的就不能有社交和娱乐,那实在太苦了她们。最小的和最大的同样有消受青春的权利。怎么能为了这样的原由,就叫她们死守在家里!我以为那样做就不可能促进姐妹之间的情感,也不可能养成温柔的性格。Allow me to say, Lady Catherine, that the arguments with which you have supported this extraordinary application have been as frivolous as the application was ill-judged. You have widely mistaken my character, if you think I can be worked on by such persuasions as these. How far your nephew might approve of your interference in his affairs, I cannot tell; but you have certainly no right to concern yourself in mine. I must beg, therefore, to be importuned no farther on the subject.说句你别见怪的话,Lady Catherine,你这种异想天开的要求真是不近情理,你说的许多话又是浅薄无聊。要是你以为你这些话能够说得我屈服,那你未免太看错人啦。你侄子会让你把他的事干涉到什么地步,我不知道,可是你无论如何没有权利干涉我的事。因此我请求你不要再为这件事来勉强我了。)
在友情方面,她对朋友非常的重视,除了姐姐Jane,她最好的朋友便是Charlotte,然而,当她知道她的朋友要嫁给Mr. Collins时,她第一句话就是不可能,之后便克制自己,为她祝福,可她心里却是非常难受的。(And to the pang of a friend disgracing herself and sunk in her esteem, was added the distressing conviction that it was impossible for that friend to be tolerably happy in the lot she had chosen.她不仅为这样一个朋友的自取其辱、自贬身份而感到难受,而且她还十分痛心地断定,她朋友的这一个,决不会给她自己带来多大的幸福。In spite of having been at St. Jamess, Sir William was so completely awed by the grandeur surrounding him, that