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英语单词记忆法窍门分享 英语词汇记忆好方法: aerial a./n.空气的;天线; (air) aesthetic a./n. 美学(的); 分析 (aesthetic源于希腊语 = to feel) (记忆口诀:美学就是研究感知美的学问) 见 anaesthesia n. (an-: without + ~)麻醉 anaesthetize vt.使麻醉 aesthetics n.美学 (ethnic a. athlete n.) affiliate vt. 使隶属于 n. 附属机构;子公司 分析 (af- + fili-: of children + -ate) rank and file, file out of… filial a.子女的 (filial duty: 孝顺) /an affliated middle school:附属中学/ /an affiliated company:分公司/ accessory, affirm vt. 1.断言; 2.证实 分析 (af- + firm) confirm infirm a.体弱的; infirmity n. firm n. infirmatory, afflict vt.使苦恼,折磨 分析 (af- + flict-: to strike) afflictive a.令人痛苦的 conflict n./v. (conflicting a.) conflicting a.相矛盾的;冲突的 conflicting reports, inflict vt.使遭受;给予(打击) /to inflict a heavy loss upon sb./ /be afflicted with a disease:害病/ agenda n.议程 分析 (ag- = ig-, act: to act, do, drive) agent n. (special agent) enact, agency n. agil, agitate, agony n. 极度痛苦, (pain, trauma 搓麻 ) agonize vt.使极度痛苦,折磨 stability and economic construction are on the top agenda in China = priority, aggravate vt.加重;使恶化; 【口】激怒 alleviate vt.减轻 分析 (ag- = ad-:to + grav-: grave, serious + - ate) grave n. gravity n. engrave vt. Word List 2. 学习重点: 熟悉和掌握词根:greg-(群);ag-(做);ali-(别的);lege-(法律);levi-(升,抬);loca-(地方);it-(去,走);lyz-(松);onym-(名);pend-(悬;称;付钱);prais-(价);apt(恰当的);sault-(sult-,sali-,sail-)(跳跃);simil-(同);astro-(星) aggregate v./a.聚集 segregate vt.分离,隔离 分析 (ag-,ad-:to + greg-: group + -ate) segregate vt.分离,隔离, se-: away (racial segregation) separate, congregate v.聚集,使集合, congregation n. gregarious a.群居性的 (Human beings are gregarious beings.) lonely wolf, He is a wolf. agony n.极度痛苦;(感情上)突然、强烈的爆发 分析 (see agenda) agonize v. (记忆口诀:要做成一件大事就要经受痛苦) agonizing a. (trauma n.创伤 用拟音法 搓麻) gamble, 敢博 /pile up the agony:渲染悲痛的事情/ /in an agony of joy:高兴到极点/ alien


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