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昭君墓 琵琶一曲弹至今 昭君千古墓犹新 Bronze statues In front of the tomb, bronze statues of Wang Zhaojun and her husband (Khan), depict a vivid picture of them riding horses and talking to each other intimately. The statues are the symbol of the friendly relations between the Han nationality and the Hun nationality, which was greatly promoted by Wang Zhaojun. 落雁 —— 王昭君 王昭君:姓王,名嫱,字昭君,乳名皓月, 南郡秭归(今湖北省兴山县)人,汉族。匈奴呼韩邪单于阏氏。她是汉元帝时以“良家子”入选掖庭的。 Zhaojun Wang It was built to commemorate a great woman named Wang Zhaojun, who was one of the four most beautiful ladies in ancient China, and who sacrificed herself for the unity of China by marrying Khan. 史书留青 呼韩邪来朝,帝敕以五女赐之。王昭君入宫数年,不得见御,积悲怨,乃请掖庭令求行。呼韩邪临辞大会,帝召五女以示之。昭君“丰容靓饰,光明汉宫,顾影徘徊,竦动左右。帝见大惊,意欲留之,而难于失信,遂与匈奴。”(《后汉书》卷八十九《南匈奴传》)。 流芳百世,缅怀纪念 现代史学家翦伯赞赞美:“王昭君已经不是一个人物,而是一个象征,一个民族友好的象征;昭君墓也不是一个坟墓,而是一座民族友好的历史纪念塔”。 青冢拥黛 昭君墓,蒙古语为 特木尔乌虎儿,位于呼和浩特南郊9公里处的大黑河畔 现在的昭君墓是70年代重新修筑的,占地面积3.3公顷,墓高33米,墓身呈台体状,墓顶建有一座凉亭,是一座人工夯筑的大土丘,是昭君的衣裳冠墓。 Zhaojun Tomb Zhaojun Tomb is situated nine kilometers away from Hohhot, on the plain extending from the northern bank of the Dahei River. The tomb is a large man-made earthen mound, which is 33 meters (approx. 108 feet) high. 青冢由来 “青冢”一词,出自对杜诗的一条注解:北地草皆白,惟独昭君墓上草青如茵,故名青冢。 由于墓体周围景色宜人,加上晨曦晚霞的映照,墓景时有变化,传说一日有三变,“晨如锋,午如钟,酉如枞 ”。 Green tomb Also called green tomb after the green grass that grows on it, the tomb is listed among the eight most popular scenic spots in Hohhot. 景致 每年秋季,树叶枯黄时,昭君墓上依然草木青青所以人们又称这为“青冢”。 墓地东侧是历代名人为昭君墓题写的碑文,西侧是文物陈列室。 登上墓顶,我们会看到连绵不断的阴山山脉横贯东西,也会欣赏到呼和浩特市全景。 Spectacular scenery The tomb is famous for its spectacular scenery. The summer months are mild, and the wild flowers and grasses grow in abundance, creating a beautiful natural picture together with the towering green trees. When autumn comes in September, unlike grasses which shriveled and yellow at this time of the year, the grass growing on the tomb is still green and vigorous. 昭君出塞的意义 公元前33年,昭君为了汉匈两族的团结友好,请求出行,充当汉族的“和亲使者”,出嫁到塞北,肩负


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