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摘 要
国际金融海啸尚未完全消散之时人们已经开始反思金融业的发展似乎海啸之巨大与金融业之发达不无关系甚至一些人指责金融业就是经济发展的最大绊脚石。而在这样的背景下随着金融体制改革和发展我国率先逃离了海啸漩涡并在“十二五”规划建议中明确提出——要进一步深化和推进金融体制改革促进经济长期平稳较快发展。由此可见我国把金融发展作为了经济发展不可或缺的动力。那么从国外对金融的惧怕或怀疑到我国的坚持发展和改革金融与经济关系究竟如何这是一个当前迫切需要研究的课题。对于金融与经济的关系国内外已有众多研究这些文献大多从金融发展与经济增长的关系入手普遍把研究对象定位于一个国家或几个国家或地区的范围内而且常因研究方法的差异使得研究结论不同。在前人研究的基础上本文尝试以新的视角就成渝经济区这一特定区域研究区域金融与区域经济的关系进一步探讨区域金融发展与区域经济增长的互动关系为成渝经济区区域发展提供政策建议。区域金融发展的调查分析是区域经济协调发展的基础有助于金融资源在更大范围的便利流动和优化配置促进了成渝经济区的协调发展推动区域协调发展的重大战略部署。egional financial support to the economic development of Cheng Yu Economic Zone
Facing a world financial crisis which is the biggest one in 100 years, financial and economic relationship has aroused public concern again in the time after financial crisis period. At the same time, our country will be in period which belongs to The twelfth five-year planning development. So how to promote the reform of the financial system and promote the growth of long-term economy with smooth and quick, is a problem cannot ignore the financial role and influence. Therefore, financial and economic relationship is need to be research at present.At home or abroad, many scholars research financial development and economic growth on behalf of these relations. Because research objects, methods are different,the conclusion is different. And they often research more than one country or one big regions range. Then, this paper will take Cheng Yu Economic Zone as the object to research regional financial development and regional economic growth. With these conclusions, we can make the contribution to the developing of Cheng Yu Economic Zone .The investigation and analysis of the regional financial development is the foundation of study the regional economy coordinated development,as Chinas important economic growth pole in the futre, the world will highly concerned about the development quality and speed, to promote the integration of the financial industry of Cheng Yu Economic Zone, which will help to financial resourc