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J ou rna l of Sou theast U n iversity (Eng lish Ed ition ) V o l. 23, Sup , pp. 133 - 139 D ec. 2007 ISSN 1003—7985
Supply cha in coord ina tion w ith partic ipa tors r isk b ia s
under buyback con tract
Sun H ua H e J ianm in Zhuang Y am ing
(Schoo l of Econom ics and M anagem en t, S ou theast U n ivers ity, N anj ing 2 11189, C h ina)
Abstract:C onsidering p articip ators risk b ias, w h ich is m easu red by the m ethod of value at risk, the risk
constrain ts in a tw oechelon supp ly chain coord ination under buy back con tract is equal to g iv ing the order of
an upp er bound. W ith a risk averse dom inan t en terp rise (M ) and a risk neu tral non dom inan t one (R ) , the
coord ination w h ich op tim izes the supp ly chain under the risk constrain ts is ach ieved by a p enalty m echan ism L
to reduce R s order. W ith risk neu tral M and risk averse R , M can m otivate R to increase h is order by p rov id ing
a risk subsidy K, and tw o cases are d iscussed. If the risk constrain ts of R cannot satisfy M s p articip ation
constrain t to offer K, M w ill p refer to accep t R s order to ob tain a sub op tim ization so lu tion of the supp ly chain.
O r else, w ith M s K, R s op tim al order just coord inates the supp ly chain, w h ich is equal to the case w ithou t risk
b ias, and in th is situation R s risk b ias o
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