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大学生礼仪素质教育研究 摘 要 礼仪是人们在社会交往中,以建立和谐人际关系为目的共同遵守的行为准则和规范。它是整个社会文明全面的、直接和间接的表现,几乎包括了个人行为和社会行为的所有方面礼仪规范了基本的社会秩序和规则,是人们生活、工作和交往的基本工具和重要内容。可以说,礼仪是整个社会文明和社会秩序的基础。 我国社会正处于价值转型期,某些公民礼仪水准还很低,不文明的现象时有发生。当代大学生是青年中最优秀的群体,他们是国家的未来,民族的希望,时代的骄傲,无论是专业技术知识,还是道德、品格、修养等方面,都应起到引领知识创新和影响他人素质的表率作用,争做一名德才兼备的优秀大学生。College students’ etiquette quality research ABSTRACT Etiquette is people in social activities, in order to establish a harmonious interpersonal relationship for the purpose of the common behavior rules and regulations. It is the whole social civilization comprehensive, direct and indirect performance, almost include individual behavior and all aspects of social behavior; Etiquette rules the basic social order and rules, is that people live, work and communication tools and important basic content. Can say, the etiquette is the whole social civilization and social foundation of order. Our country society is in value transformation, some citizens etiquette level is still low, no civilization is often happened. Contemporary college students are the most outstanding youth group, they are the future of our country, the hope of the nation, the pride of The Times, both professional and technical knowledge, or moral, character and culture and so on, should have led the knowledge innovation and influence others of the quality of the role model, vying for a having both ability and political integrity of excellent college students. In fact, in the university campus, courtesy, keep not know the ritual not civilization style can be seen everywhere. Based on the deep analysis of the college students’ status and causes etiquette literacy, on the basis of etiquette education problem to enhance students’ meanings and ways put forward his opinion. KEY WORDS: students ,lack etiquette ,education 目 录 前 言 1 一、当代大学生的礼仪素质现状 2 (一)着装打扮方面礼仪素养缺失 2 (二)就餐方面礼仪缺失 2 (三)师生间缺乏基本礼仪 3 (四)学生之间缺乏基本礼仪 3 二、分析大学生礼仪素质现状的形成原因 4 (一)学校教育的不足 4 (二)家庭教育的缺失 4 (三)社会大坏境的影响 5 (四)自身修养缺陷 5 (五)高校管理上的不足 6 三、提高大学生礼仪素质的具体方法途径 7 (一)开


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