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济慈 夜莺颂 珍藏的完美课件 (本人倾力制作)Ode_to_a_Nightingale
夜 莺 颂 ——济慈 Ode to a Nightingale -----Keats 作品 约翰·济慈(1795—1821),英国浪漫主义诗人。出身卑微,少年即成孤儿,生活贫困,做过医生助理。自幼喜爱文学。1816年发表处女作《哦,孤独》。1817年出版第一部诗集《诗歌》,其中有名篇《蝈蝈与蛐蛐》,从此崭露头角。他在短促的一生中留下不少著名的诗篇,如颂诗中的《夜莺颂》《希腊古瓮颂》《秋颂》《忧郁颂》,十四行诗《白天逝去了》等。他的诗想像丰富,绚丽多彩,诗中有画,色彩感和立体感强,具有一种永恒的美,一如温柔、清丽而又梦幻般恬静的月光,洋溢着进步的自由精神和人类的崇高理想。他主张诗人以“美的梦幻”“自由的想像”进行创作,表现“永恒的美的世界”。他的诗对英国维多利亚时代的诗人、后来的唯美派诗人以及20世纪的意象派诗人都有很大影响。诗人25岁宏才初展时,就不幸与世长辞。他留下的墓志铭是“这里安息着一个把名字写在水上的人。” 写作背景: 《夜莺颂》写于一八一九年五月,是十九世纪英国杰出的浪漫主义诗人济慈的代表作。当时这位才华横溢的年轻人身患肺病,且病人膏盲,但他仍呕心沥血、笔耕不停。一天清晨,诗人坐在树下沉思,忽然听到夜莺引吭高歌,使他万感交集,神往不已。他急忙奔进屋去,提笔一气呵成了这篇濒死者的绝唱。 The artistic aim in his poetry was always to create a beautiful world of imagination as opposed to the sordid reality of his day. He sought to express beauty in all of his poems. His poetry is distinguished by sensuousness and the perfection of form. So Keats has always been known as a sensuous poet. His ability to appeal to the senses through language is virtually unrivaled. The poet falls into a reverie while listening to an actual nightingale sing. He feels joy and pain, an ambivalent response. synaesthesia :Sunburnt mirth, Flora, the green countryside, etc. are being experienced by Keats through drinking wine in his imagination alliteration :beaded bubbles winking at the brim Repetition : Away! away! Synedoche : the warm South Transferred epithet : melodious Parallelism Simile Personification Metaphor Contrast My heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains My sense, as though of hemlock I had drunk, Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains One minute past, and Lethe-wards had sunk: Tis not through envy of thy happy lot, But being too happy in thine happiness -- That thou, light winged Dryad of the trees, In some melodious plot Of beechen green, and shadows numberless, Singest of summer in full-throated ease. The nightingale is characterized as wholly blissful--full-throated ease the poet is overcome by the song and almost loses himself 两个意象
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