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现场流行病学的基石 ——病例定义;主要内容 Contents;为什么使用病例定义? Why use a case definition?;疾病监测的病例定义必须始终保持一致 Case definitions for surveillance need to be consistent over time.;2005-2006年某社区病毒性肝炎每周报告发病率 Viral Hepatitis by week for one county, 2005-2006 ;2005-2006年某社区剔除社区医院的病毒性肝炎每周报告发病率 Viral Hepatitis for a county with and without one hospital, 2005-2006;病例的错误分类可导致流行病学分析偏差Misclassified cases can bias epidemiologic analysis;完美的病例分类则可给出不同的率 Perfect classification gives different rates;在消灭某种疾病X的过程中与其相似疾病的发病率等于10 During elimination of disease X the incidence of similar disease = 10;在消灭某种疾病X的过程中与其相似疾病的发病率等于1 During elimination of disease X the incidence of similar disease = 1;什么是病例定义? What is a case definition? ;不同专家会对同一(群)病人进行相同分类吗? Will experts classify the same patients the same?;是否可能存在完美专家? Will one expert be perfect?;一个典型的病例定义(临床诊断):麻疹 A typical case definition: measles;敏感度和特异度 Sensitivity and specificity;病例定义永远不可能完美 Case definitions are never perfect;敏感度等于真实病例被准确判定的比例 Sensitivity = proportion of true cases correctly identified;特异度等于非病例被准确判定的比例 Specificity = the proportion of non-cases correctly identified;假定某社区在疾病X暴发期间同时存在其它不同疾病 Consider a county with different diseases during an outbreak of Disease X. ;高度敏感的病例定义必将包括很多其它疾病的病例 A case definition that includes all cases will include many other diseases ;高度特异的病例定义必将排除包括很多真实病例 A case definition that includes only cases will exclude many cases ;病例定义可有多个水平 The case definition may have levels of certainty. ;细菌性痢疾暴发的病例定义 Case definition for a shigellosis outbreak;敏感度和特异度可随目标的不同而变化Variability in sensitivity and specificity depends on purpose;暴发期间使用敏感病例定义 During outbreaks the performance of a sensitive case definition improves;构建病例定义 Construction of case definitions;疾病识别标志: Disease Identifiers: ;流行病学标准 Epidemiologic criteria;感染性胃肠炎:病例定义示例 Infectious gastroenteritis: Example case definition;使用一个大多数或全部病例具有的症状特征 Use one characteristic that will include most or all cases;使用在某些病例中发现的更具特异性的症状特征 Use more specific characteristics that are seen in s


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