ⅴ级围岩大跨偏压小净距隧道施工控制技术分析-analysis of construction control technology for large-span eccentric pressure and small clear distance tunnel of grade v surrounding rock.docx

ⅴ级围岩大跨偏压小净距隧道施工控制技术分析-analysis of construction control technology for large-span eccentric pressure and small clear distance tunnel of grade v surrounding rock.docx

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ⅴ级围岩大跨偏压小净距隧道施工控制技术分析-analysis of construction control technology for large-span eccentric pressure and small clear distance tunnel of grade v surrounding rock

摘要我国幅员辽阔,山区及高原约占全国总面积的 60%,地质条件极其复杂。在高等级 公路、铁路、建设中,会遇到大量的隧道工程,大跨偏压小净距隧道的结构形式由于其 对道路交通量、地形条件、总体线路线型等条件更易满足的特点,在隧道建设项目中得 到了越来越广泛的应用。但目前在 V 级围岩大跨偏压小净距隧道的施工过程中,有很多 技术控制要点,如双侧壁导坑法侧壁导坑的开挖顺序、先后行洞的合理施工间距等,对 隧道围岩的影响是非常明显的,因此,有必要对大跨偏压小净距隧道进行研究,总结施 工技术要点,从而为大跨偏压小净距隧道施工中遇到的诸多关键技术问题提供科学依据 和技术指导。本文主要结合依托路湾隧道工程实际施工状况,辅以计算软件的三维数值模拟进行 大跨偏压小净距隧道的施工控制技术研究,主要研究工作及取得的研究成果有:① 通过阐述大跨偏压小净距隧道的判定及特点、围岩稳定理论,进而结合路湾隧 道设计资料、工程实际和有关大跨偏压小净距隧道的施工技术资料,对大跨偏压小净距 隧道的施工技术进行归纳。总结了大跨偏压小净距隧道的施工技术,主要包括:施工管 理,复杂地质条件下开挖方法的选择,施工爆破技术,锚喷支护技术,围岩判别及超前 地质预报,中夹岩加固,地表加固、洞内辅助及排水措施,监控量测及环境保护等。② 应用 ANSYS 软件,对路湾隧道洞口浅埋、偏压段施工动态力学过程进行了模 拟计算,对洞口围岩应力、变形特征进行了分析,并在此基础上对洞口合理的开挖方案 进行研究分析。计算出不同开挖顺序下的结果位移应力及支护内力云图,并进行对比, 得出在 V 级围岩大跨偏压小净距隧道双侧壁导坑法比较合理的施工顺序是先开挖外侧 洞后开挖内侧洞,先开挖靠近中夹岩的侧壁导坑后开挖远离中夹岩的侧壁导坑。③在得出 V 级围岩大跨偏压小净距隧道双侧壁导坑法较合理施工顺序的基础上, 通过有限元软件建立隧道三维数值模型,进行开挖模拟,分析 V 级围岩大跨偏压小净距 隧道先、后行洞的合理施工间距。根据分析的成果,得出两掌子面的施工间距大于 2 B(B 为隧道开挖跨度)时,对中夹岩及围岩的扰动较小。关键词:小净距隧道;中夹岩;数值分析IAbstractOur country is a large country , mountains and plateaus account for about 60% of the total area, with the rapid growth of Chinese economic strength and scientific and technological strength, the special structure of small spacing tunnel, can enable the construction of tunnel due to technical reasons, special geology, topography, the overall route line, line and cohesion factors can not be put into construction into reality. So the large span small spacing tunnel engineering in recent years become one of the main forms of the highway construction of tunnel structure in the mountainous area of special geological and topographical conditions. However, in the case of existing tunnel, accounted for the vast majority of shallow bias tunnel, surrounding rock in tunnel construction stress interference and initial deformation is very complex, two factors plus shallow and bias is exacerbated this situation. Therefore, it is necessary to large span small spacing tunnel shallow bias section research, summarize construction technique, which is a large span small spacing many key techni



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