初中生数学创造力发展特点及其影响因素的分析-analysis of the development characteristics and influencing factors of junior high school students mathematical creativity.docx

初中生数学创造力发展特点及其影响因素的分析-analysis of the development characteristics and influencing factors of junior high school students mathematical creativity.docx

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初中生数学创造力发展特点及其影响因素的分析-analysis of the development characteristics and influencing factors of junior high school students mathematical creativity

数学创造力呈持续发展趋势,但并非直线式发展,初一至初二阶段发展缓慢,差异不显著;初二至初三发展迅速,且初三与初一、初二之间有 显著差异。说明初中生数学创造力水平总的趋势是向前发展的。各维度 方面,初中生在直觉思维总分、灵活性总分和独创性总分上随着年级的 升高而上升,在直觉思维方面呈直线式上升,灵活性和独创性在初一至 初二年级增长较平缓,初二至初三增长较快;而在流畅性方面,总的来 看是随着年级上升呈现增长趋势,但初二有所下降。2、在性别方面差异不显著。初中阶段男女生数学创造力在流畅性维 度上存在显著差异,即女生的流畅性显著高于男生。 在数学创造力总体 水平和灵活性方面差异不显著,女生得分略高于男生,而在直觉思维和 独创性维度上,男生得分略高于女生,但差异都不显著。3、在影响初中生数学创造力的因素方面,城镇学校学生的数学创造 力比乡村学生略高,但没有显著差异;在数学创造力各维度上,除了在 独创性方面显著差异外,其它几个维度差异不显著;数学成绩与初中生 数学创造力总分、直觉思维总分、灵活性总分均有显著相关,与流畅性 总分和独创性总分相关性不显著。根据研究结果对教育教学的启示: 1、改变传统数学课堂严肃的气氛。2、面向全体与重点相结合。3、重视学生非逻辑思维的发展。4、注意诱发学生的灵感 关键词:初中生;数学创造力;影响因素Middle School Student In Mathematics And Creative Development Of Its Influence Iactors ResearchAbstractThe modern world the rapid development of science and technology and economics, showing the fact that the creative human activities to promote the scientific and technological progress and economic liftoff, Therefore, train and bring up a high level of creative talents has become a matter of common concern of society, education is also an important subject. This research by the general high school junior high students to study, for their creative development of mathematics, and the mathematics in the development of creative, the use of quantitative and qualitative to integrate the system and in-depth discussions, One hope to improve and creativity in a mathematical science of psychology theory, deepen the understanding of math creativity. On the other hand, hoping to study math education theories provide a psychological basis and for teaching method, teaching theories provide a theoretical basis, and in the classroom in promoting students mathematical creativity education proposal.In the relevant studies and creativity on the basis of research and analysis, we have proposed the following research purposes :First, according to the relevant documents have been put forward this research in the creative concept and preparing the present study the mathematics of the creativity of thetest roll ;Second, horizontal,



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