俄藏黑水城汉文占卜文献分析-literature analysis of chinese divination in heishui city of russia and tibet.docx

俄藏黑水城汉文占卜文献分析-literature analysis of chinese divination in heishui city of russia and tibet.docx

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俄藏黑水城汉文占卜文献分析-literature analysis of chinese divination in heishui city of russia and tibet

优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 摘 要 摘 要 黑水城出土文献是 1908 年俄国探险家科兹洛夫于内蒙古额济纳旗发现一批 中古时期的文献。俄藏黑水城占卜文献是黑水城出土文献的组成部分,内容分量 虽然不多,但却是研究当时社会文化的重要资料。本文在前人研究的基础之上, 对俄藏黑水城出土的汉文占卜文献进行了概述,并把俄藏黑水城汉文占卜文献分 为易占类、时日宜忌类、禄命类、事项占类、式占类等五类。前人对式占类的研 究较少涉及,本文则主要侧重式占类文献的研究,并兼对其他四类占卜文献进行 了研究。在考释 TK172《六壬课秘诀》时,认为《六壬课秘诀》属于金口诀类, 有关金口诀的文献在流传过程中分为民间、官方两大系统,民间系统是以通行本 《大六壬金口诀》为代表,官板系统以金陵经正堂写刻本《官板大六壬神课金口 诀》为代表。通过 TK172《六壬课秘诀》与《官板大六壬神课金口诀》的对比, 本文认为两者不仅篇目排列次序一致,而且内容基本完全相似,TK172《六壬课 秘诀》应直接命名为“六壬金口诀”。 俄藏黑水城汉文占卜文献属于中国出土文献的一部分,因其所载内容比较特 殊,使这批文献具有年代断定比较模糊、深受汉文化影响、占卜理论与技术简单 性和实用性等特点。通过对其研究,俄藏黑水城汉文占卜文献还具有明显的版本 价值、校勘和年代断定价值、占卜文化价值及相关的语言文字学价值。20 件占 卜文献之中有 13 件属于西夏时期的文献,西夏的文献占到总数的 65%,如果再 加上 3 件金代、2 件宋代文献,则宋、夏、金时期的文献比重可以达到 90%。虽 然这批占卜文献的年代考定还有可商量的余地,本文主要是在宋、夏、金这一时 段内进行考察,以西夏史料和黑水城占卜文献探讨了黑水城占卜文献与西夏的政 治、军事、历日、民俗、医药文化关系,同时还探讨了西夏与宋、金的文化交流 情况。 关键词:黑水城;汉文;占卜;文献;西夏;文化 I II Abstract Abstract The Khara-Khoto manuscript is a group of medieval literature, which is found by Russian explorers Peter Kuzmich Kozlov in Nei Monggol Ejinaqi in Inner Mongolia in 1908. The Russian Khara-Khoto manuscript is an important part of the Khara-Khoto literature, although the content of it is not much, it is the important information to the social culture. The author reviewed the Russian Khara-Khoto manuscript on the basis of the previous studies, and divided into easy divination, time of appropriate or taboo, prediction of life, divination of things,shizhan. The are little research on the type of the shi zhan in former research, this article mainly focusing on the type of the shi zhan, and it is also study other four types of divination literature. The author think the Liu ren ke mi jue belong to the Jin kou jue, when textual research TK172 Liu ren ke mi jue. Jin kou jue divided into two big system in the circulating process, folk and official. The folk system represented by Liu ren ke mi jue, the official system represented by Guan ban da liu ren shen ke jin kou jue. Compare TK172 Liu ren ke mi jue and Guan ban da liu ren shen ke jin kou jue, the author find



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