分析生成就目标定向 成就动机 自我效能感对学位论文质量影响的分析--以武汉理工大学为例-analysis of the influence of self-efficacy of goal-oriented achievement motivation on the quality of dissertations - taking wuhan university of technology as an example.docx

分析生成就目标定向 成就动机 自我效能感对学位论文质量影响的分析--以武汉理工大学为例-analysis of the influence of self-efficacy of goal-oriented achievement motivation on the quality of dissertations - taking wuhan university of technology as an example.docx

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分析生成就目标定向 成就动机 自我效能感对学位论文质量影响的分析--以武汉理工大学为例-analysis of the influence of self-efficacy of goal-oriented achievement motivation on the quality of dissertations - taking wuhan university of technology as an example

优秀毕业论文 精品参考文献资料 成绩)产生正面影响,避免失败直接对学位论文质量(总评成绩)产生负面影响; 其中学习目标定向、社会支持目标通过社会责任目标间接对学位论文质量(总评成 绩)产生正面影响;成绩逃避通过避免失败间接对学位论文质量(总评成绩)产生 负面影响;自我效能感既可直接对学位论文质量(总评成绩)产生正面影响,也可 通过社会责任目标间接对学位论文质量(总评成绩)产生正面影响。 关键词:成就目标定向 成就动机 自我效能感 学位论文质量 总评成绩 III III Abstract The quality of the dissertation is an important symbol that reflects the quality of postgraduate education. Besides the research condition, study circumstance and team management and the educational ability of supervisor, the quality of the dissertation also is related straightly with the motivation and conduct of the postgraduate. The work of the dissertation is very independent and explorative and it is different from the work for assignment of general course study. The effort that postgraduate make in the study is a key factor that affects the quality of the dissertation. The author of this dissertation chooses a particular angle to probe the postgraduate education and to discover the relationships of the quality of the dissertation with student’s achievement goal orientation, achievement motivation, and self-efficacy and therefore, to examine the influences on the quality of the dissertation by the factors. The author made a survey on the student’s achievement goal orientation, achievement motivation, and self-efficacy among 618 undergraduates and postgraduates ( 392 boy student and 226 girl students ; and for research fields, 483 science students and 135 arts students ) by questionnaires. Through the analysis of the investigation, the research draws following conclusions: First, there are differences of graduates’ achievement goal orientation, achievement motivation, self-efficacy due to gender, age,major, academic background , employment history and career plan. It is embodied as: the score of the learning goal orientation of the male postgraduate students is higher than that of the female postgraduate students. The male postgraduate students tends to be more successful than the female ones, the score of the achiev



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