改进pso-bp神经网络在变压器故障检测中的研究和应用-research and application of improved pso - bp neural network in transformer fault detection.docx

改进pso-bp神经网络在变压器故障检测中的研究和应用-research and application of improved pso - bp neural network in transformer fault detection.docx

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改进pso-bp神经网络在变压器故障检测中的研究和应用-research and application of improved pso - bp neural network in transformer fault detection

摘要电力变压器作为电力系统中最重要的输变电设备之一,它的性能直接影响 到电力系统运行的安全和可靠。及时、准确地掌握其运行状态和故障情况,并 采取相应的处理措施,对于提高电力系统运行的安全性、可靠性和经济性具有 重要的意义。针对变压器的故障诊断,前人提出了很多的解决方法,但都有这 样或那样的缺陷,不能迅速、准确的做出判断。本文针对目前变压器故障诊断技术在实际应用中所存在的主要问题,引入 神经网络理论,将改进的粒子群优化算法和 BP 神经网络相结合,应用到基于油 中溶解气体分析(DGA)的变压器故障诊断中,实现变压器运行状态的故障检 测和诊断。BP 神经网络权值的训练是一个非线性、复杂的过程,而标准粒子群算法往 往不能反映非线性优化有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站过程,动态粒子群算法虽然能实现非线性有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站,但 却更容易陷入局部最优。本文引入粒子变异的思想对算法进行改进,提出了变异动态粒子群算法。 在粒子群收敛的过程中,当某一粒子被连续选为当前最优点时,整个粒子群就 会快速收敛于该点而使算法陷入局部最优 ,丧失全局寻优能力 。针对粒子群算 法的这种问题,变异动态粒子群算法在迭代的过程中跟踪全局最优点,每次迭 代前分析上次迭代后最优点的变化情况,如果最优点经常变化 ,则算法不会陷 入局部最优,惯性权值就按照动态粒子群算法公式调整。否则,就随机的让一 部分粒子变异,使其惯性权重以指数速度增长, 增大粒子的移速度,跳出局部 最小,继续全局寻优,其中指数的大小由 粒子持续被选为最优点的次数决定。 这样即使整个群体一直收敛于局部最优,则仍能保证部分粒子跳出局部最优。最后,本文把基于改进粒子群优化算法优化的 BP 神经网络应用于变压器 故障诊断中,设计了完整的试验方案,通过对试验的结果分析,验证了本文提 出的改进算法具有更好的全局寻优能力和稳定性,在变压器故障诊断的 应用中 具有更好的应用价值。关键词:人工神经网络,BP 算法,改进 PSO 算法,变压器故障诊断ABSTRACTAs one of the most important power transmission equipments at power system, power transformer’s performance directly affects the security and reliability of operation of power system. Regarding to the reliability and economy of power transformer, it is significant to accurately obtain the operation status and fault conditions, and to take appropriate measures to deal with the fault in a timely manner which can improve power system’s operation for safety. Though ma ny solutions have been applied to the diagnosis of transformers’ failures, they still have many flaws. None of them can completely make the correct diagnosis in short time.In order to solve the existence of major problems which the current Transformer fault diagnosis technology has in practical applications, this paper introduces the neural network theory. The paper combines the improved Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm and BP neural network, and applies the algorithm to the Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA) of transformer fault diagnosis.For the weight of BP neural network training in non- linear, complex process, standard Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm which



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