构建我国非常法定财产制研究——以《婚姻法解释三》第四条为视角-research on the construction of chinas non-legal property system - from the perspective of article 4 of.docx

构建我国非常法定财产制研究——以《婚姻法解释三》第四条为视角-research on the construction of chinas non-legal property system - from the perspective of article 4 of.docx

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构建我国非常法定财产制研究——以《婚姻法解释三》第四条为视角-research on the construction of chinas non-legal property system - from the perspective of article 4 of

非常法定财产制是指当婚姻关系处于非正常状态时,依据法律规定或者经相关权利人的申请,由法院判决对夫妻共同财产进行分割,并将共同财产制变更为分别财产制。 我国现行《婚姻法》及相关司法解释并没有非常法定财产制的相关内容。如果夫妻关系 出现异常,夫妻一方财产权利受损或有受损之虞时,其可以采取的救济措施非常有限。《婚姻法解释三》第 4 条关于特定情形下分割夫妻共同财产的规定改变了我国长期以来 对婚内财产分割问题的态度,具有重要意义,这为司法实践中法官处理不要求离婚但请 求分割夫妻共同财产的案件提供了司法依据。然而,该条对婚内财产分割的内容规定的 相对简略和保守,面对复杂多变的现实生活,尚无法有效应对。因此,有必要在我国夫 妻财产制中增加非常法定财产制的规定。本文以《婚姻法解释三》第 4 条为视角,结合婚姻生活中出现的新情况,以比较研究的方法,结合大陆法系典型国家和地区的有关规定,对《婚姻法解释三》第 4 条进行 评析,并对其地位给予准确定位,进而论证我国建立非常法定财产制的必要性。本文分为四个部分,除引言与结语外,共计 2.8 万字。 第一部分,非常法定财产制概述。这部分是文章的理论基础,从概念、特征、性质等方面对该制度进行介绍,为下文的论述奠定基础; 第二部分,域外非常法定财产制立法考察与评析。这部分以比较分析的方法,对域外国家地区的非常法定财产制进行考察评析,汲取其有益的立法经验,为我国建立该制 度提供立法参考。第三部分,我国《婚姻法解释三》第四条的内容与评析。这部分主要对《婚姻法解 释三》第 4 条作简要评析,进一步说明我国确有必要构建非常法定财产制。第四部分,我国非常法定财产制之构建。这部分主要在介绍域外相关国家非常法定 财产制立法以及对我国夫妻财产制进行评析的基础上,为今后我国构建非常法定财产制 提出一些建议。关键词:夫妻财产制;非常法定财产制;立法建议Very legal property system means that when a normal state in a non-marital relationship, according to the law or by the relevant rights holders to apply, the court split on the jointly owned property and common property system changes were made to the property. Chinas current marriage and relevant judicial interpretations and no relevant content is very legal property system. If an exception occurs when the relationship between husband and wife, spouse or damage to property rights in danger of damage, relief measures which can be taken is very limited. Marriage explained three first four partitions on the particular circumstances of the provisions of the jointly owned property changed attitude toward our long-standing marital property division issues of great significance, it is the judicial practice judges are not required to request a divorce, but the couple split cases of common property provides judicial basis. However, the section on marital property division is relatively simple content requirements and conservative, faced with the complicated reality of life, still unable to respond effectively. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the provision of legal property system in a very ma



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