基于带参数逻辑系统fuzzy推理的分析-analysis of fuzzy inference based on logic system with parameters.docx

基于带参数逻辑系统fuzzy推理的分析-analysis of fuzzy inference based on logic system with parameters.docx

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基于带参数逻辑系统fuzzy推理的分析-analysis of fuzzy inference based on logic system with parameters

ABSTRACTIt is well known fuzzy control technology based on the method of fuzzy reasoning is widely used in industry areas with significant economic profit. And full implication triple I method is an important method for fuzzy reasoning.In fuzzy reasoning, the result of reasoning is related to fuzzy implication operators either in CRI method or in full implication triple I method. The results are not equivalent by using different implication operators in reasoning. There is some adventure in application in fuzzy reasoning. WangGuo-jun had proposed implication operator H??????with parameter, Zhang Xing-fang hadproposed family of implication operators L ??????G , L ??????R0 ,NM pandLP . Therefore,we want to use implication operator with parameter to prevent adventure in fuzzy reasoning.Based on the thought of logical system with parameter, full implication triple I method in fuzzy reasoning are studied in this paper. The main results are as follows:Firstly, based on family of implication operators L ??????R0 , Triple I Sustainingmethod ,Triple I Constraint method , ????Triple I Sustaining method and????Triple I Constraint method with respect to FMT models are discussed.Secondly, The properties of implication operatorNM pare analyzed and the generalformulae of supremum (infimum) for solution of triple I method are obtained respectively.The revivification are also proposed .The theory of sustaining degree,constraint degree of triple I method for fuzzy reasoning based on implication operators NM p is studied and their properties are analyzed. The general formulae ofsupremum (infimum) for solution of ??-triple I method are obtained respectively.Thirdly,The notion of quasi regular implication operator and pseudo residue pair are introduced, the united forms of Triple I method , ??-FMP Triple I method based on quasi regular implication operator is given. The continuity are also proposed.Fourthly, a logical metic ??on t



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