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侵权法视角下学校体育伤害   摘要:结合我国侵权法立法,对学校体育伤害的归责原则、责任构成等重要法律问题进行分析。指出学校体育伤害应以过错责任原则为一般归责原则,过错推定原则为例外,慎用公平责任原则;学校体育伤害侵权民事责任的构成应坚持4要件说,其中,应为学校的注意义务建立合理的标准以确定学校的过失。最后,结合学校体育伤害的各种典型形态,分别对体育课、课外体育活动、代表队训练比赛、体育设施伤害、体育活动中学生间伤害的法律责任进行分析。   关键词:体育法;学校体育伤害;法律责任;注意义务   中图分类号:G80-05文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2010)11-0039-07      Damages caused by school physical education from the   perspective of the tort law   HAN Yong   (Department of Law,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100732,China)      Abstract: By means of case analysis, coupled with the legislation of the tort law of China, the author analyzed important legal issues such as the principle for determining the liabilities for damages caused by school physical education, and liability constitution, and pointed out the followings: damages caused by school physical education should base on the principle of liability for fault as the general principle for liability determination, and the principle for fault determination as an exception, and use the principle of fair liability cautiously; the 4-essential doctrine should be stuck to for the constitution of tort liabilities for damages caused by school physical education; a rational standard should be established for the duty of care of schools therein in order to determine the faults of schools. Finally, the author analyzed the legal liabilities for damages caused to students by sports classes, extracurricular sports activities, representative team training and competition, sports facilities and sports activities respectively according to various typical forms of damages caused by school physical education.   Key words: sport law;damages caused by school physical education;legal liability;duty of care      学校体育伤害事故常常发生,关于学校体育伤害的法律问题的研究亦为数不少,但目前学校体育伤害中仍然有一些法律问题存在争议,《中华人民共和国侵权责任法》立法中关于学生伤害的问题也几经讨论[1]。拟结??我国侵权法立法的必威体育精装版成果,对学校体育伤害的归责原则及典型学校体育伤害责任等若干法律问题进行分析。      1学校体育伤害的界定      本文所指学校体育伤害,如无特殊说明,学生主要指中小学中的限制民事行为能力人和无民事行为能力人。因为限制民事行为能力人和无民事行为能力人发生的体育伤害法律问题,与作为完全民事行为能力人的大学



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