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代 词 1.指代时间、距离、自然现象等。 It is half past two now.(指时间) 现在是两点半。 It is 6 miles to the nearest hospital.(指距离) 离最近的医院是6英里。 It is very cold in the room.(指温度) 房间里很冷。 A lovely day,isn’t it?(指天气) 好天气,是吗? 2.指代前面所提到过的事情、事物、群体、想法、性别不明或性别被认为不重要的人或动物、未指明但谈话双方都明白的事情或情况。 —I’ve broken a plate. ——我打碎了一个盘子。 —It (=Breaking the plate) doesn’t matter.(指前面所提到过的事情) ——没关系。 The Parkers bought a new house but it will need a lot of work before they can move in.(指双方都明白的事情)帕克一家买了一套新房子,但是在入住之前有大量的工作需要去做。 3.it 作先行代词代替不定式、v.-ing 形式、名词性从句,作形式主语或形式宾语。 It felt funny watching myself on TV.(it 作形式主语,watching myself on TV是真正的主语) 在电视上观看自己非常滑稽可笑。 He didn’t make it clear when and where the meeting would be held.他没有弄清楚何时何地举行会议。 In my opinion,it’s no use arguing with him. 依我看来,同他争论没用。 4.表示“喜欢、恨”等心理方面的动词后面接it,构成固定结构,这类动词有enjoy,prefer,love,like,hate,dislike,appreciate等。 I’d appreciate it if you would like to teach me how to use the computer.如果你教我如何使用电脑我感激不尽。 I hate it when people talk with their mouths full. 我讨厌人说话时满嘴食物。 1.(2011?山东卷?T24)The two girls are so alike that strangers find _____ difficult to tell one from the other. A. it B. them C. her D. that 【解析】选A。考查代词用法。句意为:两个女孩长得如此相像以至于陌生人都发现很难将其中一个与另外一个区分开来。it在句中充当形式宾语,代替后面的真正的动词不定式宾语to tell one from the other. 2.(2011·青岛市联合模拟)I would appreciate ________,to be frank,if goods could be delivered as soon as possible. A.you B.this C.it D.myself 解析: 考查代词。此处it 作形式宾语,代替后面的“if goods could be delivered as soon as possible”。to be frank 为插入语。 答案: C 3.(2010·4月济南模拟)When ________comes to saving energy,big changes start with small steps,like turning off the lights. A.that B.this C.it D.one 解析: 考查代词用法。when it comes to (doing)sth.是固定结构,表示“当涉及某事(或做某事)时”。句意为:当提到节能的时候,大变化从细微的行动开始,比如随手关灯。 答案: C 1.another 指“任何一个”“再一……”“另一……”,作代词或形容词,用于三者或三者以上。 (2009·山东卷)I felt so bad all day yesterday that I decided this morning I couldn’t face another day like that. 昨天一整天我感觉很糟糕,所以今天早晨我决定不能像那样面对另一天了。 Please give me another ten minutes.请再给我十分钟。 2.the other 可单独使用,特指两个人或物中的“另一个”;


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