Maslow′s hierarchy of needs马斯洛需求分析理论的PPT.ppt

Maslow′s hierarchy of needs马斯洛需求分析理论的PPT.ppt

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Maslow′s hierarchy of needs马斯洛需求分析理论的PPT

Maslows hierarchy of needs 需求层次理论 ——亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Maslow) Abraham Harold Maslow 亚伯拉罕·马斯洛(Abraham Harold Maslow, 1908-1970) was born in Brooklyn of New York (纽约市布鲁克林区). He was born in a Russian Jew family. He is a social psychologist, a personality theoretician and comparative psychologist in America. Also, he is the main initiator and theotetician of humanistic psychology, and the leader of “The Third Power” psychology. (人本主义心理学的主要发起者和理论家,心理学第三势力的领导人)。   1926年入康乃尔大学,三年后转至威斯康辛大学攻读心理学,在著名心理学家哈洛的指导下,在威斯康辛大学取得文学士(1930年)、文学硕士(1931年)和哲学博士(1934年)学位。 1935年在哥伦比亚大学任桑代克学习心理研究工作助理。1937年任纽约布鲁克林学院副教授。1951年被聘为布兰戴斯大学心理学教授兼系主任。1969年离任,成为加利福尼亚劳格林慈善基金会第一任常驻评议员。第二次世界大战后转到布兰戴斯大学任心理学教授兼系主任,开始对健康人格或自我实现者的心理特征进行研究。曾任美国人格与社会心理学会主席和美国心理学会主席(1967),是人本主义心理学和超个人心理学两个杂志的首任编辑。退休后去了加州。1970年因心脏病于该处去世。 主要著作   《动机和人格》 (1954) 《存在心理学探索》 (1962) 《科学心理学》 (1967) 《人性能达到的境界》(1970) 求职时,你最关心的企业十项问题是? 企业规模 工作环境 工作地点 工作时间 出差 培训 升职 直属领导 休假 其他 Maslows hierarchy of needs 1.The needs of human beings can be devided into five parts. 人的需要可以分为五个层次 (1)生理需求 (physiological needs) 也称级别最低、 最具优势的需求, 即对食物、水、住所、 性等的生 理需求。 physiological needs For the most part, physiological needs are obvious - they are the literal requirements for human survival. If these requirements are not met (with the exception of clothing and shelter), the human body simply cannot continue to function. Physiological needs include: Breathing Food Sexual activity Homeostasis Lack of air and food will kill an individual. A lack of sexual activity would mean the extinction of humanity, probably explaining the strength of the sexual instinct in individuals. Safety needs With their physical needs relatively satisfied, the individuals safety needs take over and dominate their behavior. These needs have to do with peoples yearning for a predictable, orderly world in which injustice and inconsistency are under control, the familiar frequent and the unf


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