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Nationality: the United Kingdom Date of birth: 4,23,1564 Date of death: 4,23,1616 Occupations: a playwright,a poet,an actor William Shakespeare (1564-1616) He was born in Stratford-on-Avon on April 23,1564. On 27 November, 1582, he married with Anne Hathaway in the Parish Register . In 1592, Shakespeare reappeared in a pamphlet written by the university wit, playwright Robert Greene. In 1597, he bought one of the largest house in Stratford, which showed his financial affairs went well. After retired to Stratford in 1610, he still went on writing. He died possibly of a fever in 1616, on the same day as his birth. Shakespeare major works Theme Three periods of his dramas’ development Hamlet (summary plot analysis status) All through his life, Shakespeare has written 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and 2 long poems. The second period(1601-1607) 四大悲剧: 《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet) 《奥赛罗》( Othello) 《李尔王》 (King Lear) 《麦克白》(Macbeth) 著名悲剧: 《雅典的泰门》(Timon of Athens) 三部喜剧: 《特洛伊罗斯与克瑞西达》(Troilus and Cressida) 《终成眷属》(All’s Well That Ends Well) 《一报还一报》(Measure for measure) The third period(1608-1613) In his last year,Shakespeare turned to writing dramatic romances or romantic tragi-comedies. Winter’s Tale 《冬天的故事》 The Tempest 《暴风雨》 The tempest is regarded as the masterpiece of this period and is Shakespeares last will and testament of the poem. Hamlet There are thousand Hamlets in thousands of people’s eyes. Summary of the story Prince of Denmark, Helmet’s father was killed by his uncle. Hemlet revenged for his father. He struggled with the conspiracy(阴谋) of his enemy and his own heart. Finally, he died with his enemy.


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