
食品添加剂 甜味剂PPT课件.ppt

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食品添加剂 甜味剂PPT课件

; Attention: in China, sucrose(蔗糖)、glucose (葡萄糖)、fructose(果糖)、maltose(麦芽糖)、syrup of mixed fructose and glucose(果葡糖浆)、and starch syrup(淀粉糖浆) are looked of as food materials not sweetener additives. ;2. Varieties and classification; ;? According to the above classification, 17 permitted sweeteners can be classified as follows(? ):; natural sweeteners: stevioside (甜菊糖苷)、lo han kuo extract (罗汉果 甜苷)、glycyrrhizin (甘草甜素) (including glycyrrhiza extract, monoammonium甘草酸铵 、mono- and tri-potassium glycyrrhizates 甘草酸一钾和三钾). ; ? Based on the above analysis, sweetener additives are usually referred to as : * sugar alcohols * synthetic nonnutritive sweeteners (noncarbohydrate-based sweeteners) * natural non-nutritive sweeteners (noncarbohydrate-based sweeteners) ;3.Sweetness and its affecting factors;? So the sweetness of individual sweeteners and mixtures can be expressed as the times of that of sucrose at the same level. It is a relative value.;? Examples of the sweetness of some sweeteners compared to that of sucrose:;? temperature:the lower, the sweeter.;? salt:salt can decrease sweetness at concentrations higher than 0.5%, but enhance sweetness at concentrations lower than 0.5% . ? Thickeners : thickeners can increase sweetness slightly.;4. Sweetness and other attributes of different class of sweeteners (? ).;? Not easy to caramelize.;Table 1. Relative sweetness of nonnutritive sweeteners in relation to sucrose (synthetic ones, 1 for sucrose).;Table 2. Relative sweetness of nonnutritive sweeteners in relation to sucrose (natural ones) ;(2) Sugar alcohols ;noncariogenicity (超链表3).;Tab. 3 Sweetness and metabolism of sugar alcohols ( suppose the sweetness and caloric value of sucrose are all 1) ;Sugar alcohols;(3) taste of sweeteners(表4).;sucralose ;According to the Calorie Control Council (1985), an ideal sweeteners should be: ? high safety (超链表5,6) ? have the same sweetness as sucrose or greater sweetness than sucrose. ? goo


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