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感动服务 Touching Service;Q1 酒店 是什么? ;服务!服务!服务! ;Q2 服务是什么? ;;Q3 服务为什么重要? ;;感动服务 Touching Service;激烈的市场竞争 顾客期望值越来越高 同行业产品类似 ;服务利润价值链 ;Q4 谁是顾客? ;;Q5 服务的目标是什么? ;;Q6 什么是忠诚客户 What is Customer Loyalty?;反复光顾 Repeat Guest 强烈推荐 Strong recommendation to others 排斥其他竞争对手 Refuse to go to competitor;Q7 怎样创造顾客忠诚度? How to Create Customer Loyalty?;公平原理 Balanced Principle ;Q8 怎样超越顾客期望值? How to Exceed Customer Expectation? ;Touch 1: 了解客人 Know Your Customer Touch 2: 预知与确定顾客需求 Customer Needs Touch 3: 竭尽全力 Do our Best Touch 4: 服务补救 Service Recovery ;了解客人 Know Your Customer ;几乎所有的客人不仅希望获得他人的关注, 还希望能够真正被关心,被关怀 他们希望你能够理解他们的观点 Customers NOT ONLY want to feel important, but they want to feel that somebody sincerely cares about them their concerns. They want to know that YOU understand their point of view;怎样尊重并感激客人 How to show Respect Appreciation?;微笑服务 Smile at guests;学会大笑,学会微笑,学会如何自我解嘲 笑是世界上最好的药 一旦你将笑视作每日工作的习惯 你就已经掌控了如何在工作中排解压力 Learn how to laugh. Learn how to smile. Learn how to laugh at yourself. One of the best medicines in the world is laughter. Once you can have master the habit of laughter in your everyday working life, you have mastered the art of coping with work pressure.;如何目光接触 How to Eye Contact;;练习 Exercise ; 不向顾客打招呼会给顾客造成心里压力 Customer is stressful when not greeted 与客人打招呼,没有任何语言比这更动听 Speak to customers. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting. ; 微笑点头示意客人 - 3米 Smile to customer when 3 meters away 语言问候客人 - 1米 Greet customer when 1 meter away 行进中问候 Greeting while walking ;善用称赞 Compliment; 提醒客人是否有遗忘的物品 Remind the customer of their personal property 真诚感谢客人的光顾 Sincerely appreciate for coming 欢迎再次光临 Looking forward to your next visit 观察是否需要其他的服务或协助 Observe to offer any further assistance;要点回顾 Points Review;顾客需求:预知与确定 Customer Needs: Anticipating Determining;什么是预知与确定顾客需求? What is anticipating and determining customer’s needs?; 在2014


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