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病原学诊断 Diagnostic microbiology;内容 Contents ;1674,Antony Van Leeuwenhoek借助自制透镜发现微小生物体 1859, Louis Pasteur制备液体培养基 1881, Koch和Hesse制备固体培养基 1949, John Franklin Enders建立动物细胞培养技术 ……;(1)目的:直接检测微生物(细菌、真菌、寄生虫虫卵幼虫和成虫、感染的细胞中的病毒包涵体);初步或明确鉴定微生物;(2)技术:;普通光学显微镜术(Brightfield or light microscopy): 细菌染色标本 活菌运动 大的微生物如寄生虫和真菌 病毒感染的病变细胞和包涵体 组织病理;暗视野显微镜术(Darkfield microscopy) : 不染色活菌 螺旋体及其动力;荧光显微镜术(Fluorescent microscopy) : 各种微生物用荧光素标记后发出荧光;相差显微镜 术(Phase-contrast microscopy) : 可观察到微生物的内部结构;电子显微镜术(Electron microscopy) : 常用做研究工具 直接观察到高浓度液体中的病毒颗粒的形态和大小、低浓度液体可离心后收集沉淀观察或免疫电镜观察 微生物的超微结构;(3)检查方法:;(1)成功取决于: 微生物的生物学特性 感染的部位 患者对感染的免疫反应 适宜培养基(三种类型)和条件;培养基类型(细菌和真菌);培养基类型(衣原体、立克次体和全部病毒):细胞培养;(1) 分子种类: DNA RNA 蛋白质 (2) 优势: 适宜于不能分离或免疫学检查的微生物检查; 检测基因型或突变(eg.耐药) 敏感、特异和安全;;Restriction fragment length polymorphism(RFLP,限制性片段长度多态性) distinction of DNA from bacterial strains separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis. Lanes 1 to 3 show Sma 1 restriction endonuclease-digested DNA from bacteria from two family members with necrotizing fasciitis and from their physician (pharyngitis). Lanes 4 to 6 are from unrelated Streptococcus pyogenes strains;DNA probe(DNA探针) analysis of virus-infected cells. Such cells can be localized in histologically prepared tissue sections using DNA probes consisting of as few as nine nucleotides or bacterial plasmids containing the viral genome. A tagged DNA probe is added to the sample. The appropriate substrate is added to color the nuclei of virally infected cells.;In situ localization(原位杂交) of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection using a genetic probe. CMV infection of the renal tubules of a kidney is localized with a biotin-labeled, CMV-specific DNA probe and is visualized by means of the horseradish peroxidase-conjugated avidin conversion of substrate, in a manner similar to enzyme immunoassay.;多聚酶链反应;DNA chip (基因芯片) 16srRNA测序或全基因组测序 蛋白组和质谱;检测和定量抗原 评价抗体反应 评估是否暴露或免疫接种;Analysis of antigens and antibodies by immunoprecipitation(免疫沉淀);Immunofluorescence and enzyme immunoassays for antig


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