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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1.5.5 产品造型评价 6.节奏与韵律 产品造型的节奏与韵律是指造型的某些要素,如形体、线型、色彩、肌理以及方向、大小等作有规则的变化和重复,在空间产生抑扬顿措的视觉效果,给人带来心理上的愉快和美感。 造型中的节奏与韵律必须符合人的视觉习惯,只有当产品造型表现出来的节奏符合人的生理自然节奏时,才会感到和谐和愉快。 1.5 机械制造装备设计的评价 1.5.5 产品造型评价 7.重点与一般 1)运用形体和线型对比突出主体,即用比较突出的体量和比较复杂的轮廓形态,以引起观察者的注意; 2)运用色彩、材质的对比突出主体,使主体鲜明; 3)运用精细或特殊的加工工艺,获得特别的面饰效果来突出主体;(电抛光、电镀等) 4)采用特殊的外观件或装饰件来强调重点; 5)利用造型中的方向性和透视感等因素,引导人们的视线集中于主体。 1.5 机械制造装备设计的评价 标准化及其目的 标准分类 (一) (二) (三) 企业标准体系结构 产品设计的标准化 (四) 1、 技术标准 工作标准 管理标准 2、 3、 1、 2、 3、 4、 企业标准的审查 设计文件的标准化审查 工艺文件的标准化审查 工装设计文件的标准化审查 图样格式、视图、剖视、投影、公差配合、表面粗糙度、形位公差;技术文件内容准确性、科学性、合理性;零件图、结构要素和应用材料;采用标准件、通用件情况;设计文件格式、技术术语、文字符号;图样和文件的代号等 标准化——在经济、技术、科学及管理等社会实践中,对重复性事物和概念通过对标准的制订、发布和实施,来达到统一,以获得最佳秩序和社会效益。 1.5 机械制造装备设计的评价 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * On the ground, motive power can be provided by pushing against the ground, to accelerate in the opposite direction, or to maintain speed against resistive forces. In flight, an aircraft can not push against the ground. An aircraft could be propelled by throwing passengers violently out of the back of the aircraft. This would not be good practice, nor would it be continuous. The ejection mechanism would apply a force on the ejecting passenger. An equal and opposite force would be applied by the ejecting passenger on the ejection mechanism. It is this force that would propel the aircraft. Jet engines work by continuously scooping up air at engine approach speed Vflight and accelerating it rearwards to eject it at a fully expanded jet speed Vjet. This can be a continuous process since air is always available within the atmosphere. The engine applies a force to the air to accelerate it, and the air applies an equal and opposite force to the engine. This force is transmitted by the engine mounts to the aircraft. Any engine which gives thrust by accelerating a body of air rearwards can be considered as a form of jet propulsion. Prope


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