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Farm Level Traceability (FLT):a step ahead in CAP reform implementation Paolo PIZZIOL (paolo.pizziol@jrc.it) Definitions Traceability is the ability to trace the history, application or location of that which is under consideration (ISO 9001: 2000) Farm Level traceability is a concept which encompasses a wide range record keeping in farm management, starting from detailed geo-referencing of all individual parcels comprising the farm, to the dynamic correlation among parcels with a view of fine-tuning the farming system and achieving a more sustainable and profitable farming. EU Legal basis (for traceability) -Traceability systems for Labelling/Certification were already in place PGI, PDO Plant Health Regime (plant passport system-since 1993) Animal Health Regime (since 1993) Traceability: why? Other definitions Geo-traceability : associates geographical coordinates to relevant information for production traceability Tracing: determining the history of a food throughout the food chain Upward: from farm to fork Downward: from fork to farm Tracking: determining the location of a certain food in the food chain in a certain moment track back: one step down track forward: one step up Record keeping is collecting all relevant data and information Traceability: dedicated technologies Traceability systems could range within different levels of complexity: Paper records Digital records DB, on-line DB, ad hoc SW solutions, GIS, remote sensing, GPS, GPRS, barcode scanners Automatic recording (RFID, bar code etc., wireless connections) to minimise burden and to require (target) from farmers only validation Anyway, a baseline information is needed (farm-diagnosis) to assess what is appropriate for the specific business Traceability: available technologies and questioning Traceability is actually a reality for many food producers e.g. EurepGAP Sectorial schemes (eggs, meat etc.) etc. FLT(+ LPIS) and FAS: a step ahead in the CAP reform Disclaimer: The views exp
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