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Chapter 2 What will be learned: 2.1 Name of Goods The definition A name that is unique to a group of commodities and can be used to distinguish them from others 是指能使某种商品区别于其他商品的一种称呼或概念 The significance A main basis for delivery A bearing on the rights and duties of both importers and exporters An indispensable component of the description on goods 2.1 Name of Goods Methods to nominate goods 2.1 Name of Goods The content of the clause Under the item “Name of Goods” At the beginning of a contract Merged with the quality description Those of different kinds, grades and models E.g. 品名:东北大豆 Name of commodity: Northeast soybean Attention – 内容明确具体 (雅戈尔西服、服装) 使用国际上通用的名称 HS – an internationally standardized system of names and numbers for classifying traded products developed and maintained by the World Customs Organization 5,000 commodity groups / 6-8 / 190 countries 针对商品实际做实事求是的规定 结合关税、运费等选择合适的品名 轿车模型(儿童用) 2.2 Quality of Goods The content of quality Intrinsic quality (内在质量) 内在质量包括商品的物理性能、机械性能、化学成分和生物特性等 Outside form or shape (外观形态) 外观形态是人们的感官直接可以感觉到的外型特征,包括商品的大小、长短、结构、造型、款式、色泽、光滑粗糙程度及味觉、嗅觉等 2.2 Quality of Goods The significance The main basis of a contract Domestic laws and UN Conventions on International Sale of Goods: The goods the seller delivers must be up to the standard required in the contract. If the seller fails to deliver the goods as required by the contract, the buyer is entitled to claim damages, repairs, and substitutes, or reject goods, or sometimes even cancel the said contract. Case study 1997年在广州秋交会上,我方某出口公司与科威某客户成交冻北京鸭一批。订立合同主要内容如下: 品名:冻北京鸭 规格:带头、翼、蹼、无毛,一级,最小二公斤 数量:700箱、10公吨 总值:CIFC2%科威特24150英镑 装运期:1998年8月至9月装船 附注:需要中国伊斯兰教协会出证,证明该项冻鸭是按照伊斯兰教方法屠宰 Case study 合同签订后,我方在备货过程中,错误地以为只要按照合同的要求,出具了伊斯兰教协会的证明,说明“按伊斯兰教方法屠宰”就可以符合交货的品质。但对该批鸭子,我方实际上采用了最科学的屠宰方法,即自鸭子的口中进刀,将血管割断放血后在速冻,从而保证鸭子的外表是一个完整的躯体。随后,未经伊斯兰教协会实际查看,就请该协会出具了证明。 1998年8月28日,货物装出。货到目的地后,有当地科威特市政厅卫生局食品部屠宰科进行检验,并出具报告证明该批鸭子不是采用伊斯兰教方法屠宰,