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INT’L LAW JURISDICTION 1. Legislative jurisdiction= to prescribe 2. Judicial jurisdiction= to adjudicate 3. Executive jurisdiction= to enforce SOVEREIGNTY LIMITS SOVEREIGNTY THEORY IN INT’L LAW TRADITIONAL LIMITATION S.S. LOTUS (France v. Turkey 1927 PCIJ) French vessel collided with a Turkish vessel on high seas, killing seaman on Turkish boat; negligent French ship’s officer subsequently arrested tried in Turkish court for manslaughter with issue couched in terms whether Turkey could criminalize act on French vessel (nationality, hence territoriality), with analysis whether this new apparent rule was permissible in terms of whether sovereignty in int’l law system means acts like criminalizing French officer’s behavior are permitted only if Turkey’s rule is accepted in advance by other states or, rather, view that Turkey’s rule should be respected unless specifically prohibited by international law (Concept all things are permitted which are not prohibited, versus all things are prohibited unless permitted) Question of the presumptive rule: Is the burden on Turkey to show that it can exercise jurisdiction here, or on France to show that Turkey is prohibited from exercising jurisdiction? General baseline rule is permissive. Strong idea of state consent as opposed to state consensus. BUT, general prohibition on jurisdiction to enforce extraterritorially. Passive personality argument fails, but effects doctrine succeeds. 荷花号案(法国诉土耳其) 1926年8月2日,法国油船荷花号在公海上的西格里岬以北五、六海里之间的海面上与土耳其船波兹一库特号相撞,土耳其船被撞沉,有8名土耳其人死亡。第二天,当荷花号抵达伊期坦布尔时,土耳其当局对碰撞事件进行了调查,随后根据土耳其法律对波兹一库特号的船长和碰撞发生时在荷花号负责值班的官员——法国公民德蒙上尉给予逮捕,并以 杀人罪在土耳其地方法院提起刑事诉讼。1926年9月15日,法院作出判 决,判处德蒙短期监禁(80天)和一笔为数不多的罚款(22英磅)。土耳其 船长哈森一贝则被判了较重的惩罚。该案判决后,立即引起法国政府的 外交抗议,因法国政府认为土耳其法院无权审讯法国公民德蒙上尉,船 舶碰撞是发生在公海上,荷花号的船员只能由船旗国,即法国的法院进 行审理,并主张这是一项国际法原则。但土耳其法院则依据《土耳其刑 法典》第6条的规定,任何外国人在国外犯有侵害土耳其公民的罪行, 应按该刑法处理,因此,对本案的管辖权并不违反国际法。 荷花号案(法国诉土耳其) 1926年10月12日,法国和土耳其签订了一项特别协议,将该争端事件提交常设国际法院,请求法院判定:土耳其根据其法律对法国船员德蒙上尉进行刑事诉讼是否违反国际法原则?


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