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摘 要 随着人们对资源的不合理利用和环保意识的淡薄,愈发严重的环境污染对生态环境和人类社会都带来了各种危害,环境的破坏也会给人类的身体健康和生活质量带来诸多的不良影响。因此,开发一些无污染的新型能源材料来治理环境污染迫在眉睫,近年来,光催化作为一种行之有效的新兴技术正在蓬勃发展。 磷酸盐的酸根离子具有结构稳定性好,不易产生氧空位缺陷等优势。研究发现以磷酸铋为代表的磷酸盐光催化活性良好。本文采用价格低廉的Cu(CH3COO)2,(NH4)2HPO4为原料,通过水热法制备了Cu2(OH)PO4光催化剂,以罗丹明B为降解对象开展研究。结果表明,该材料在紫外光区有较好的光催化活性。研究的主要内容和得到的结论如下: 1、以Cu2(OH)PO4在紫外光区光催化降解罗丹明B为评价体系,通过改变不同pH梯度和不同反应时间梯度对Cu2(OH)PO4的制备条件进行了优化。 2、用X射线衍射(XRD)、红外光谱(IR)和紫外-可见漫反射光谱(UV-Vis DRS)对所制备的催化剂结构和光吸收特性进行了表征。 3、以优化条件制备的Cu2(OH)PO4为光催化剂,通过在光催化降解罗丹明B的过程中加入不同的牺牲剂考察了其光催化机理。 关键词:水热法;Cu2(OH)PO4;光催化降解;机理 Abstract As people irrational use of resources and weak environmental awareness, increasingly serious environmental pollution on the environment and human society have brought all kinds of hazards, damage to the environment will also give health and quality of human lives many adverse effects. Therefore, the development of some new non-polluting energy materials imminent environmental pollution in recent years, as an effective photocatalytic emerging technology is booming. Phosphate ions with good structural stability, easy to produce oxygen vacancy defects and other advantages. Found that the photocatalytic activity of phosphate, bismuth phosphate represented well. This paper uses the low price of Cu(CH3COO)2,(NH4)2HPO4 as raw materials, prepared by hydrothermal method the?Cu2(OH)PO4 photocatalyst, for degradation of rhodamine B to carry out the research. The results show that the catalyst has good response to uv light. The main content of the research and the conclusion is as follows: 1、through the preparation of different pH gradient, and different reaction time gradient of Cu2(OH)PO4 is finding out the best degradation effect of Cu2(OH)PO4 synthesis conditions. 2、using X-ray diffraction (XRD), infrared (IR) and ultraviolet-visible diffuse reflection (UV-Vis DRS) for the preparation of the catalysts were characterized. 3、with homemade Cu2(OH)PO4 as photocatalyst, experiment choose common refractory dye rhodamine B in the environment,


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