九年级英语英语鲁教版九年级 Unit 12 I remember meetingall of you in Grade 6(课件).ppt

九年级英语英语鲁教版九年级 Unit 12 I remember meetingall of you in Grade 6(课件).ppt

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九年级英语英语鲁教版九年级 Unit 12 I remember meetingall of you in Grade 6(课件)

特殊的记忆 得到差的成绩 得到满分 获得一个奖 记得做过某事 一个装满了作业的书包 初中的每一年 过去常常 在某方面帮助某人 习惯于做某事 被用来做… 12. 做一个志愿者 13. 以…为骄傲 14. 对…有信心 15. 记得去做某事 Special memories get a bad score get full marks win a prize (win, won, won) remember doing sth. a schoolbag full of homework every year of junior high school used to do help sb. with sth. sb. be/get used to doing sth. sth. be used to do sth. = sth. be used for doing sth. 12. be a volunteer 13. be proud of = take pride in 14. be confident of =have confidence in 15. remember to do sth. Listen to the tape and then fill the 自从他毕业他在没有回到学校。 他曾几害怕他的老师。 妈妈对我的学习要求严格。 我记得见过他一次。 自从他放弃上学已经一年了。 He hasn’t come back to school since he graduated. He used to be scared of his teacher. My mother is strict with me in my study. I remember meeting him once. It’s one year since he gave up going to school. courage (n.) encourage (v.) 鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb. to do sth. 被动: sb. be encouraged to do sth. 我记得被老师鼓励过。 I remember being encouraged by the teacher. 2. 失声 lose one’s voice 3. raise 与 rise raise (vt) + 宾语 (sth.) (raised, raised) “提高,升起” rise (vi.) 只能说“sth. rise (rose)” 不能后面跟宾语 He ______ his voice to make himself ________. (hear) 为慈善机构集资 raise money for charity 谁为慈善机构集了最多的钱? Who raised the most money for charity? raised heard 4. 做…有问题/困难/麻烦 have problems/ difficulty/ trouble doing sth. 他过去说英语又困难,但是现在他习惯于上课说英语。 He used to have problems speaking English, but now he is used to speaking English in class. 5. 英语说得好 speak English well 6. 练习做某事 practice doing sth. 他正在练习弹钢琴。 He is practicing playing the piano. mostly (大部分,主要的) almost (几乎) 2. 自从2004年我就在初中。 I have been at junior high school since 2004. 自从三年前我就住在烟台。 I have lived in Yantai since 3 years ago. 3. 交朋友 make friends (with sb.) 4. fun 不可数名词,前面不可加冠词。但是可以做表语和定语 看人很好玩。 It’s fun to watch people. 玩得高兴 have fun (with) sb. funny 滑稽的,可笑的 a funny claw 5. 我在六七年级在学校表现不是很好。 I didn’t do so well at school in Grades 6 and 7, 9. 我希望在期末考试中做的好。 I hope to do well in the final exam.


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