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Period Two ——;Part Ⅰ Language Focus;1. n. 期望,盼望 v. 期望,盼望 2. n. 皇帝;1. 与……有联系 2. 给某人提供某物 3. 更不用说;link;[归纳拓展];(1)这些摄像机是与一台功力强大的计算机相连接的。 The video cameras a powerful computer. (2)You can see programs broadcast by any station because television stations around the country are by satellites. A.linked B.combined C.attached D.associated;expectation;(5)Some parents expect too much of their children,with the result that they are disappointed. 一些父母对孩子的期望值太高,结果使他们非常失望。 (6)His talent in football is beyond my expectations. 他在足球方面的天赋超乎我的想象。;[归纳拓展];;;sound;(4)He sounded the clock to wake up his dad.But his dad was in a sound sleep.Although the loud sound sounded very terrible,his dad remained asleep. 他弄响闹铃想要叫醒他爸爸。但是他爸爸睡得很沉。尽管那么大的声音听起来很可怕,可他爸爸仍然睡着。;[归纳拓展];sound,noise,voice (1)sound泛指人们听到的一切声音。 (2)noise指不悦耳的声音,如噪音、杂音、吵闹声等。 (3)voice指人发出的声音,如说话声、唱歌声等。;(1)用sound,noise,voice填空 There was a loud outside the classroom.The physics teacher had to raise his :“Light travels faster than .” (2)—Shall we go out for dinner tonight? — . A.You are right B.That sounds great C.It must be funny D.Have a nice time 解析 句意为:——我们今晚一起吃饭好吗?——听起来好极了。You are right你是对的;That sounds great听起来好极了;It must be funny一定很可笑;Have a nice time祝玩得愉快。根据语境选B项。;(3)While doing her homework,she heard a piece of music being played, soft and sweet. A.was sounded B.sounded C.sounding D.being sounded 解析 由句子结构可知,此处的sound应该是系动词,所以没有被动结构,又因所填词作状语,故C项正确。;be connected with;[归纳拓展];(1)一句多译 他与那起犯罪毫无关联。 ①There was the crime. ②He had the crime. ③He was not the crime.;(2) It was said that he might be with the murder case that happened in the winter of 2015. A.related B.connecting C.connected D.relating 解析 句意为:据说他可能与发生在2015年冬天的谋杀案有关联。be connected with是固定短语,意为“与……有关系(联系)”。如果选A,应把题干中的with改为to。;[语境感悟];[归纳拓展];(1)用let的相关短语填空 ①P



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