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摘 要 国际金融危机使全球船舶建造市场出现了急剧变化,中国船舶工业经受着“接单难”、“融资难”和“交船难”的考验,中国船舶建造企业需要学会在困境中规避风险,解决订约之初和履约期间的法律问题,维护自身的利益,借鉴国外相同行业的领先经验。本文通过将金融危机下,船舶建造企业遇到的实际问题法律化,以我国的民法体系为理论基础,结合国际通用的造船合同标准格式和新出现的融资模式,探讨应对难题的解决措施,达到为中国的造船企业提供法律参考的目的。 文章分为引言、正文和结论三个部分,共三章: 第一章介绍了中国船舶建造业的现状和面临的三大难题。通过分析中国船舶工业行业协会提供的权威数据,归结出船舶建造企业身处“交船难”、“接单难”、“融资难”的被动局面,强调分析三大难题的重要性。 第二章论述了如何应对交船难题。通过对实践中船东做法的分类,归结出合同履行中的恶意弃船解约和变更合同两大法律问题,分析国际国内通用的造船合同,提出相应的预防和违约救济措施。 第三章剖析了如何解决融资瓶颈。通过分析现行融资方式的特点和存在的融资不足问题,提出积极采取新型融资方式的必要性和可行性,并详细讨论了几种最有推广意义的融资模式的特征和适用的企业类型。 最后,提出解决船舶建造合同的履行困境和船舶建造融资困境的几点建议。 关键词:金融危机,造船合同,合同变更,浮动抵押,船舶建造融资 ABSTRACT International financial crisis has dramatically influenced global ship building market. Facing difficulties in getting orders, financing and delivery, China ship building companies need to learn how to evade risk, how to handle law issues prior to contract signing and during performance of contract, so as to protect rights and learn outstanding foreign experience. This thesis will discuss issues which ship building companies may involves in under the environment of financial crisis in a perspective of law, based on national civil law system, combining with international standard format of shipbuilding contract and the newly emerged financing mode, so as to explore a solution for the problem and provide a legal reference for ship building companies in China. This thesis will be divided into three parts: introduction, body and conclusion, the body among which has three chapters: Chapter One will introduce present condition of China ship building industry and three main difficulties faced. By analyzing authorized statistics from China Shipbuilding Industry Association, the author summarizes that ship building companies have been trapped in a passive situation with difficulties in getting orders, financing and delivery. The significance of these three headaches will be carefully analyzed. Chapter Two will discuss how to deal with delivery difficulty. Through classifying ship owners’ practice, t


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