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新資訊世界的數據和數據分析 Data and Data Analysis in the New IT World 黄 鍔 國立中央大學 數據分析研究中心 Norden E. Huang Research Center for Adaptive Data Analysis National Central University 2008 什麼是數據? What is data? Data (plural of Datum) [Latin: data – what is given] Information; Facts, evidence, records, statistics, etc. from which conclusions can be formed. Information in a form suitable for storing and processing by a computer. 數據就是信息,事實,證物,記錄,统計資料 等等可用來推導結論 Data, data, everywhere! 數據, 數據, 到處都是數據! GoogleTrend? : Happy GoogleTrend? : Love GoogleTrend? : Crisis Data “In God we trust”; everyone else has to show data. “我們相信上帝”;其他人都得有數據. 為什麼要分析數據? Why do we need to analyze data? Data are the only connects between us and the real world. Therefore, data analysis is the only way we can find out what is the truth. 數據是我們與真實世界唯一的連繫 數據分析就成了唯一尋求真理之道 數據分析和數據處理之不同 Data Processing and Data Analysis Processing [proces L. Processus pp of Procedere = Proceed: pro- forward + cedere, to go] : A particular method of doing something. (數據)處理只是照特定方法做特定的動作. Analysis [Gr. ana, up, throughout + lysis, a loosing] : A separating of any whole into its parts, especially with an examination of the parts to find out their nature, proportion, function, interrelationship etc. (數據)分析是將整體分為部份、特別指檢驗部份以決定各部份之特性、成份、機能和相關性. Motivations for alternatives: Problems for Traditional Methods Physical processes are mostly nonstationary Physical Processes are mostly nonlinear Data from observations are invariably too short Physical processes are mostly non-repeatable. ? Ensemble mean impossible, and temporal mean might not be meaningful for lack of stationarity and ergodicity. Traditional methods are inadequate. Some New Approaches for Data Analysis Categorization and classification Quantification of complexity Time-Frequency Analysis with Adaptive Basis. 1. Categorization or Classification The work by Linnaeus is the key to the progress in biological sciences. 複雜數據分類 Carl Linnaeus (Carl von Linné) 1707-1778


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