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东晋南朝灾害及其社会应对研究 摘 要 东晋南朝时期,在自然因素和社会因素共同作用下,灾害频繁 发生,给当时社会的政治、经济、文化各方面带来了严重影响。 为稳定社会秩序、恢复经济生产,东晋南朝各政权都实施了一 系列灾害应对措施。这些措施包括灾前备荒防灾、灾时赈恤减灾、 灾后恢复救灾三个环节,加上中央政府的高度重视、地方官吏的积 极督办和民间力量的主动参与,使得这一时期的灾害应对措施在安 抚社会心理、恢复社会生产、缓和社会矛盾方面起到了一定的作用。 但由于措施本身还有一定的局限性,在执行过程中又受到一些因素 的制约,这使得一些应对措施难以有效实施。 对东晋南朝灾害及其社会应对进行专题研究,既有利于丰富这 一时期历史研究的内涵,又可为今天南方地区的灾害应对提供些许 经验。因此,笔者将从社会史的视角,综合社会学、历史学、气候 学等相关学科的理论和知识探究东晋南朝灾害及其应对,力图揭示 这一时期灾害与社会的互动关系。 关键词:东晋南朝 灾害 社会应对 The Research on the Disasters and Solving Measures During the East Jin and South Dynasties Abstract During the East Jin and South dynasties, the disasters which have brought the serious impact on the economy, political and cultural, happened frequently,for the natural and social factors. In order to restore the economic production,keep the social order ,consolidate the rule ,the governments have implemented a series measrures to deal with disasters.The measures included three parts:the prevention, mitigation,providing disaster relief, adding the governments’ attention, civil recogonization’s active participation and local offcial’s supervision, making this period of disasters response measures to appease social psychology and rehabilitation of social production,easing social contradictions have played positive roles.However,as the measures themselves, there was some shortcomings in the implementation precess which was influenced by various factors, making some measures implemented unefficiency. But from an overall perspective, the East Jin and South Dynasties disaster solving measures brought many good effects. The special study on this topic will enrich the study of history. It also will provide some exper


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