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两汉谶纬之学的源流与兴盛 摘 要 西汉末年出现的谶纬之学是两汉时期一种特殊的学术思想。 本文从分析谶纬之学产生的思想来源及深刻的社会根源入手, 全面地论述了谶纬之学在西汉末年的兴起过程,并且对其产生的影 响进行了一定的考察。 笔者认为:谶纬之学的思想来源主要包括上古时期的天人关系 思想、阴阳五行学说以及董仲舒构建的天人感应理论体系。此外, 本文深入分析了谶纬在两汉之际形成的社会根源,文章指出:汉 初,谶言的流行是谶纬兴起的前奏;汉武帝定儒学于一尊后,儒生 和方士群体的合流是谶纬兴起的社会基础;而两汉之际的衰乱政局 则为谶纬的兴起提供了绝佳的时机。 本文还对谶纬在两汉社会中的影响做了概述,本文认为:谶纬 之学对于两汉的影响包括了政治、思想学术、科技以及文化等诸多 方面。随着东汉政权的灭亡,谶纬亦逐渐衰落。但是作为一种特殊 的思想,谶纬之学中的很多思想内容对后世产生了深远的影响。 关键词:谶纬;阴阳五行;天人感应;祥瑞灾异 The Origin and the Rise of Chen Wei in the Han Dynasty Abstract Chen Wei, which has formed in the end of Western Han Dynasty, was a special ideological phenomenon. This paper elaborates on the rise process of “Chen Wei” in the end of Western Han Dynasty from every side and analyses the influence for it through analyzing the ideological and social origins of “Chen Wei”. My opinion in this article is that there are a lot of origins of “Chen Wei”, including the theory of witchcraft in ancient time, the theory of Yin and Yang, and the theory of Five Elements, the theory of man-God relationship in pre-Qin period, and the New Confucianism that was established in the middle time of Han Dynasty. The social origin of “Chen Wei” was the decline political situation in the end of Han Dynasty, and the political needs of the ruler arising by it. At last, The Paper elaborates on the influence of Chen to Han Dynasty from many angles, including political, ideology and culture. Key words: Chen Wei; New Confucianism; Auspicious and Cataclysm 目 录 前 言 1 (一)选题的意义1 (二)国内外研究动态综述2 一 “谶”、“纬”及其合流 6 (一)“谶”、“纬”释义6 (二)“谶”、“纬”的区别及合流8 二 谶纬之学的思想渊源 12 (一)上古天人关系思想12



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