病理生理学精品课件(复旦大学)05 Cardiovascular Diseases.pptVIP

病理生理学精品课件(复旦大学)05 Cardiovascular Diseases.ppt

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* Nuclear envelope is distinct. Chromatin is condensed in the center of nucleus. Multinulcear. Cytoplasm is weakly basophilic. some activated macrophages * In the?longitudinal section(纵切面), we can see caterpillar-like nuclei. In the transverse section(横切面), we can see the nuclei in owl-eye shape. * The most severe disease induced by rheumatism All 3 layers of the heart are involved. Small vegetations (verrucae) are visible along the line of closure of the mitral valve leaflet adhesive pericarditis,the closure of pericardial cavity;sequelae:后遗症 * Several collections of cells close to an artery chordae tendineae:腱索;stenosis:狭窄;regurgitation:关闭不全 * * Acute rheumatic mitral valvulitis superimposed on chronic rheumatic heart disease. Small vegetations (verrucae) are visible along the line of closure of the mitral valve leaflet * Mitral stenosis with diffuse fibrous thickening and distortion (扭曲) of the valve leaflets, commissural fusion (arrows), (and thickening and shortening of the chordae tendineae). There is marked left atrial dilation as seen from above the valve. * Anterior leaflet of an opened rheumatic mitral valve; note the inflammatory neovascularization * Knees, ankle, shoulder joint, wrist, elbow joint;migratory polyarthritis:游走性关节炎 rheumatoid arthritis, dysarthrosis (关节变形)and function disturbance 环形红斑:raised pink-red ring appears on thighs and legs, back,also on upper extremities, 小舞蹈病:rapid, uncoordinated jerking movements primarily affecting the face, hands and feet.? * Fibrinous exudate Heart is pumping. * staphylococcus aureus / streptococci 瓣膜上无血管,因此感染很难根除 * a characteristic of?both types is Staphylococcus:金黄色酿脓葡萄球菌;vicinity:周边组织;ring abscesses:环形脓肿 * Probe 探针 valvular perforation 穿孔 * * * Asymptomatic 无症状的;Nidus 巢,核/病灶;Lambl’s excrescences:兰伯氏赘生物(成人尸体心脏瓣膜上的细小乳头状突起) When we talk endocarditis, we should realize that the formation of vegetation at endocardium, valves is the common feature. Different endocarditis has diferent vegations, they var


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